The WT conductor in my ex-KH was such a jerk-off. When I used to answer up, he just called me by my first name instead of "Sister Chickenhead", or whatever. The only person he did that to was me, in a KH of about 80, or so. HOW embarrassing. He knew I was baptised. He used to come and pick us up for the meetings. I put him straight and he was a bit put out that he had to call me by my proper title. He was also an inverted snob with his stupid ties, pinkie rings and golf jumpers.
He is, an ex-salesman and thinks he is the dogs bollocks. The kind of JW who would'nt make it in the real world and enjoys the power of being an elder.Ring any bells? About as humble as George Dubya!! I truly hated him. It was'nt the Watchtower, it was the Brother Randy's (not his real name) Roadshow.
If I see him in the street, I will have to seriously control myself from smashing his face in.
Anyone else have the same experiences of people you just can't stand but had to try and get on with for the sake of congregation unity??
Mac n Cheese for tea.