Does this Site get more Newbies than WTS gets Baptisms?

by skeeter1 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • skeeter1

    Just wondering on whether JWN gets more Newbies that the WTS gets bapstisms? Are there any statistics?

    This site's newbies usually lurk for a month or two, with no interaction with us. They sign up here without an indoctrination, interactive bible study that requires repeat visits over the course of a year or two. Either JWN is pretty efficient at getting newbies or people are disagreeing with the WTS more & more and use JWN as a tool in their pathway to exiting.

  • Narcissistic Supply
  • eyeuse2badub

    Don't know if this site gets more Newbies than the WTS gets baptisms but the serious posters definitely make much more sense than the WTS. Just saying!


  • alanv

    Watchtower has plenty of baptisms. Trouble is as they come in the front door two thirds of the rest go out the back door lol

  • problemaddict

    No. Not even close.

  • cantleave

    Not all leavers find this site.

  • Adiva

    You're right cantleave. The nice thing is that most folks are on Facebook and there's a ton of ex's on there with links, and blogs and websites. Oh my.


  • Simon

    Not all leavers find this site.

    No, and I'd go further and say that not all leavers even bother that much with the concept of "leaving". Although people who have been hurt by the WTS see it as all evil and harming everyone it touches, the reality is that many just drift away back into the lives they had before without too much damage or drama.

    It's easier to do this if you are a convert than a born-in of course.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    We "left," but we were never really there in the first place. Since then, I have met so many people whose lives have been touched (or torched) by the influence of the WTS.

    You asked a great question, and I do agree that people are underestimating the power of the Internet in reaching people.

    Many people will pass right by, or right through, the organization and not give it much thought afterward. Others have their entire social and support network demolished, leaving them so devastated and alone, having "nowhere else to go."

    I honestly didn't take any action for a couple years after changing my mind about the JW's. It was not until my tree got shaken more violently, that I realized I should actually take another look (with open eyes).

    I am so grateful to find this forum, and all the people here who are willing to share their experiences. I am learning a lot.

  • NewYork44M

    Although people who have been hurt by the WTS see it as all evil and harming everyone it touches, the reality is that many just drift away back into the lives they had before without too much damage or drama.

    Very insightful Simon. I have not thought of it that way, but you are on target. Those of us with families and a lifetime in the "truth" have a much different perspective of the organization as compared to the person that floats in for a few years, gets bored, and moves on.

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