Embeded in the minds of JW's and XJW's is the Watchtowers pairing of some kind of cry of peace and security followed by something referred to as the "disgusting thing standing in the holy place"
There have been many moments of peace starting with the end of World War II VJ day and VE day
End of Korean war?
Recognition of China and its entry to UN?
End of Vietnam war?
Egypt and Israeli peace agreement?
End of Aparheid?
Collapse of the Soviet Union and its domination of Eastern Europe end of the 40 year long cold war?
Regime change in Iraq?
To be sure there are still some hot spots SE Asia, North Korea, India vs Pakistan. Anarchy on the Continent of Africa.
Would all these areas need to be settled or is there some kind of crown jewel of peace negotiations such as a solid Israel and Palestine situation.
The Israeli/ Palestinian puzzle demands some kind of comprehensive solution that is extremely complicated because of the clash of relgious ideologies Christian/Jewish,Sunni and Shiite Muslim all sitting on the most valuable commodity on the planet - OIL.
If a great fanfare is made over such a peace agreement in the Middle East would you as a JW or even an XJW start looking over your shoulder for the other shoe to drop which would be some gigantic reversal of expectations that could be described as "the disgusting thing that causes desolation" that marks the start of the greatest tribulation the world has ever seen.
This is not a prophecy. Just wondering.