The prominently displayed text in the home page on is (predictably) Matthew 24:14. But you do not have to be too keen-eyed to see something pivotal missing from the shortened verse. It omits perhaps the most important part of the verse (well, important for an end-times religion).
This is how it reads on "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth."
THis is how it reads in the Bible (NWT): "This good news of the kingdgom will be preached in all the inhabited earth and then the end will come."
Why have they left out the last phrase?
As many here have suggested, the new emphasis on appears to be part of an exerted "bedding-down" manouver in which the expected emphasis on the nearness of the end is muted. Oh, they still talk about the end, yes. But with the massive building projects (expected to be completed in....2017) and the toned down rhetoric around the perilously close end, these dudes are acting as if it ain't gonna be anytime soon.
Yes, when the end tarries decade after decade after decade after decade, and 1914 is celebrated for its 100th anniversary, you better adapt fast.
As the churches of Christendom found, you cannot believably keep harping on about the end with no thought to bedding down and securing your organizational future.
As the years pass, those who have called the organization to task for manipulating scripture and its own publications to its own ends will die off. And the re-branded Watchtower ( will become a more established church, wealthier and more corrupt. If not already, it should be very much at home with the churches of Christendom which it has so vehemently condemned. Ouch!