Which arm and eye did Admiral Nelson lose? Take heed WT Society.

by Esse quam videri 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    Alexander Korda produced and directed the movie 'That Hamilton woman' in 1941. The lead parts were played by Lawrence Olivier as Admiral Horatio Nelson and his wife Vivien Leigh played Lady Hamilton. One day, onstage, Korda found Olivier only half dressed for his part as Nelson.

    "What's the matter?" he asked. "Alex", Olivier replied, "the costume is fine, but I have one question -- which arm and which eye was Nelson missing?" There was a deadly hush. It was apparent that nobody knew the answer to this simple question. And since it was a Sunday there seemed to be no way to look it up. At last somebody remembered that there was on aged Hungarian opera singer living in Van Nuys who had played Nelson in a turn-of-the-century operetta which had briefly graced the Vienna stage. A studio car was instantly sent to fetch the old man. He was brought to the studio. "Old friend," Alex Korda said, " when you played Nelson in Vienna, can you tell us which arm and which eye were missing?" Imagine the effort to find the answer to two simple questions.

    Now flash forward to May 18, 2015. I googled the following: Which eye and arm was Admiral Nelson missing?

    Answer: Right eye and right arm. Total time to find out the answer? 40 seconds.

    And this points to the great dilemma the Watchtower Society is facing and will continue to face with ever growing urgency. What the Watchtower Society could easily hide from the rank and file in the past, what teachings or events or publications they could obscure and control, they can no longer do so. A simple Google search can lead virtually anyone to volumes of information in short order. Information that they would probably prefer remains out of reach of the average JW.

  • jhine

    I really wondered where that one was going for a minute !


  • steve2

    You gotta be interested enough in what's happening in the organization to bother spending your time questioning its teaching, practices and policies and doing so via the web. That virtually ules out the vast majority of active JWs.

    The organization has much more to fear from member-apathy than from member-doubt and apostasy. Apathy's for the bored, apostasy, the thinkers. Little wonder apathy's the much, much, much bigger threat to the future of the organization than apostasy would ever be.

  • stuckinarut2
    And, remember, the society has made it an evil, yes taboo thing to search online for anything JW related unless it is from the official site! You know, those nasty apostates are out there waiting to eat you up!
  • snugglebunny

    I have a parrot named Nelson. He's very unusual in that he is right-footed. Parrots are the only birds that can hold their food in their foot whilst they eat. Most are left-footed.

    I found that out in just a few seconds using Google.

    BTW, he doesn't sing Kingdom melodies but he can whistle his way through the National Emblem march.

    Which, BTW wasn't written by Sousa.

    How about that?

  • jhine

    Eer......... wow.


  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Steve2 summed it up - "Apathy's for the bored, apostasy, the thinkers."

    We're greatly outnumbered in the KH's!

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