Look what I found, an old interview from Jeremiah productions. It features many interviews including, Ray Franz and Peter Gregson. It's a good promotion for CoC if you haven't read it yet and a recap if you have. Enjoy! Kate xx
Interview with Ray Franz, Peter Gregson and others from 1986
by KateWild 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
186 hits. So am bumping for more posters to view Kate xx
marked for later
I've seen this video. It's okay (though somewhat over dramatic) until the end when the Christian for Jesus hook gets stuck in your craw then it's time for the natural reflexes to take over and vomit it out!
Great find Kate.
One the videos I watched when I was waking up - excellent despite its obvious xian bias.
Awesome... I actually watched it alll the way through, it is very depressing to see it laid out all the failures yet they keep coming back
We found it a bit heavy going. We watched it in 20min segments. It certainly opened up my son's eyes. He was the one who found it and wanted to watch it in the first place.
We spent more time doing sports and watching magical Harry Potter, ya know fun stuff. Kate xx
Good stuff TY Sam!
It's a pity there is not more audio/video interviews of Ray...this one is very short.