Why do we say Cain's murder of Abel was the first one...

by Django_Unchained 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Django_Unchained

    when god started it all? Could have sworn he signed Adam and Eve's death warrants first, and by extension everyone else's...

  • schlick

    Well, since Abel was the first to actually die...

  • Django_Unchained

    if person a hangs person b at 8pm and doesn't completely finish the job until 8:05pm,

    but person c shoots person d in the head at 8:03pm, i would say person a did it first.

  • adamah

    Actually, the account suggests Cain wasn't even guilty of murder (intentional killing), but of manslaughter (accidental killing).


    Besides, God gets the distinction of being the first mass murderer in the Bible (Lamech brags of killing two men, but that's not 'mass murder'), so God is the star of the Flood account, and He gets away with it scot-free, since "might makes right".

    In his defense, God's anger management skills improve somewhat thereafter, since He scales it back by limiting Himself to ordering genocidal campaigns, killing idolators, Sabbath breakers, ordering human sacrifices, etc.

    But one has to wonder, since after wiping out all life on Earth in the Flood, AND Armageddon, AND the final killing after the 1,000 yr reign, who's to say that God's going to be able to control Himself thereafter, and not have a hankering for some more bloodshed, and dream up some pretenses to carry out some blood-letting in the New System just for old time's sake?

    God's worse than Kim Jong Un, and I'd be very scared if I wanted to live under His rule in the New System (well, that is, if I believed in Gods).

    I mean, even after killing his own uncle, Kim Jong Un showed a little mercy when he spared the life of his murdered uncle's wife, his aunt (although it's going to make for some awkward family reunions, LOL!)



  • snare&racket

    But you would be wrong, for murder to happen there needs to be at least a dead person...... Ha ha

    but relax, none of it is real anyway, research the history of the cain and abel story.

  • prologos

    yeah killing his own children. "-- the day you will die*--"

    gladly we do not worry ant more, because the story is the FALSE basis for the

    Snare & Racket.

    * the slow death, painfull death, taking up to 969 years of agony.

  • Django_Unchained

    it's been a rough week, i knew someone would understand. enjoyin' my meds and getting ready for monday...

  • jam

    Maybe the real cause behind the Cain and Abel story is God.

    Somehow, both Cain and Abel get the idea that God desires

    sacrifices. They learn that God accepts Abel's and rejects

    Cain's sacrifice. So what we learn here, Religion is the cause

    of fighting and violence.

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