Great suggestion for christmas

by barry 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • barry

    To all our english folk out their buy your kids a cricket bat for christmas.

    The Aussies have declared on their second innings with 504 runs ahead the last over giving the Aussies 28 runs.

    Alister Cook was out for a duck on the first ball of the english innings bowled dby Brian Harris.

    I think we might have the ashes back sometime tomorrow anyway england enjoy your christmas.

  • barry

    Next time we might let the poms play with the girls to improve their skills. wonder if they could handle this fast bowler.

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    HhahaaaahaAHhHaaa you cheeky wazzock!

  • 2+2=5

    How good was that today. Bailey hitting 28 runs in one over off Jimmy Anderson. That first ball from Ryan Harris that bowled Cook was an absolute Jaffa.

    What did Ian Botham predict? 5-0 series to England? Nice one.

  • barry

    Sorry to bring bad tidings to all our good pommy fans but Australia has won back the Urn. The english put on a determined fight back of over 350 runs in their second innings but needed 150 more. As I said before the best christmas present for english boys is a cricket bat so one day england may have a chance

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