This site has some great info on the meaning of the name Jehovah
The name Jehovah and what it really means.
by Crazyguy 9 Replies latest watchtower bible
Band on the Run
Can't you summarize it? I like to have some idea of what a link is about. What is the mystery about what the name means?
There is a previous thread asking "Is Jehovah' the name of God" (it couldn't be more than a month old)... and the overwhelming obviousness was "no" where it was all explained.
UNless you were promoting the website in which case it's very pretty. It's easy to read and I like the colors.
The whole brouhaha regarding the 'name' Jehovah is so totally silly. Why would the ultimate force in the Universe (Universes??) need to even HAVE a name. 'Names' are a concept made up by human beings. Why would 'God' even NEED a name, and why would he care what humans called 'him', much less REQUIRE that humans exclusively use a human- created prescribed name? It's all really the height of small-mindedness to even buy into the JW blathering on the subject. Can't we spend our time thinking of more worthwhile things??
However, if you call it shallow scholarship for the Committee to use the word Jehovah in the New World Translation, then you will have to admit that it is due to the shallow scholarship of the Roman Catholic clergy of the thirteenth century, for in that century the word historically appears among them.
The WBT$ admits they got the name Jehovah wrong.....But.....It`s the Catholics Fault!..
....................Another Song and Dance by the WBT$ Weenie!..
........Who could Possibly to Blame/For God`s F*cked Up name?
.It`s the Catholics Fault!/It`s always the GodDam Catholics Fault!
Just for technicality sake they can blame the Catholics, but the name was actually invented some 700 years after the canonization of the bible and was a Protestant move. From there it went to the Advent Christian Church from which Jehovah's Witnesses branched off from.
AND for clarification, nothing... i mean NOTHING gets me involved in a topic like dancing wieners.
Jehovah: The giver of communism, slavery, misery, and spiritual desolation. And tyranny.
Well you guys should read the website a lot of good info but the easy answer is the exact translation of the word Jehovah is JE= God or lord, Hovah= ruin, calamity, mischief. So the name means god of calamity, god of ruin, god of mischief.
interesting crazyguy - god of calamity fits with the JW apocolyptic message and with the fear this engenders amonst jehovahs witnesses - sad isn't it.
The reference numbers in the Strongs Concordance Hebrew dictionary are 1142 and 1143.