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Divine Name display at Watchtower
by mindnumbed 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"JEHOVAH" was NEVER written or spoken by anyone in the Old Testament or the New Testament. Claiming that everyone said JEHOVAH all the time is an assertion.
Slide 6
"Lachish Letter" Date: Before 607 B.C.E.
Hmmmm, I wonder why the British Museum has these letters dated at 586 B.C.E.? It must be Satan's influence.
I couldn't stomach the whole slide show. The GB said that they added JEHOVAH to the RNWT even more, and that it was based on further study and ancient manuscripts. I wonder what those new sources are? Does anyone know? The whole 586 thing is obviously satanic...
Is this crap produced by the W.T officially ? If so they are doing the usual, being dishonest in the extreme.
O.K, so the name of the god of the Hebrews was known, by many, such as Antiochus Epiphanes, who sacrificed a pig on Yahweh's alter in the Temple, and the Roman General Pompey, who found it strange that the Holy of Holies he stood in, before Jesus was born, was empty. If Yahweh was a deity to be respected, he had a strange way of showing it.
The word Jehovah was coined by a monk in the 13th century A.D, using the vowels of "Adonay", so it bears no relation to any pronunciation of a name by the two colourful gentlemen mentioned, or by the High Priest.
What exactly is the point of this offering ?
I can only think it is designed to bolster the silly and ignorant views held by JW's. Anyone else with a modicum of knowledge of the subject just finds this kind of thing laughable.
Are we seriously expected to believe that the Watch Tower Society has the Moabite Stone? It, and probably everything else on display there, is a copy. The original is in the Louvre.