If the blood of a perfect man could be used for saving man eternally,
why can’t the blood of an imperfect human be used for saving man temporarily?
by abiather 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
If the blood of a perfect man could be used for saving man eternally,
why can’t the blood of an imperfect human be used for saving man temporarily?
"Greater love than this no man has, that he lays down his life for another."
"Blood represents life."
Therefore: donate blood!
If the blood of a perfect man could be used for saving man eternally,
Yes christianity is a indeed a cult of human blood sacrifice. How primitive.
ps - great point Tirebiter!
What a coincidence! I read your post on Feb 19, 2013 JUST NOW! I had never read it before! Yet same thought crossed our minds. Same Thoughts, yet, differ only in presentation.
Thank you for that REVOLUTIONARY thought you struck long back!
Jesus also said in Mark 7 that what enters the body doesn't render one unclean; instead, it is what comes OUT of the body (the heart) that defiles and pollutes. Xians use that verse as the basis for not observing Jewish kosher/kashrut dietary restrictions, saying Jesus eliminated them; remember too that Jesus instructed his disciples to symbolically eat his flesh and drink his blood at the Last Supper; this also was a symbolic violation of the Torah's restrictions forbidding such actions of eating human blood, thus reinforcing the concept (which was derived from pagan practices of thinking drinking blood imparted the strength of the person it came from).
I've written an article on the topic of how the "no blood" policy of the JWs is based on a botched translation of the Hebrew which resulted in a misunderstanding of the Flood account, since they miss the message that is buried in the account (the result of the intertwining of two versions of the same story tradition via redaction, one version coming from the South (i.e. Judean) and the other delivering a different message coming from the North (Israel)):
While I do not agree with the organization's beliefs, I fail to see your point. No one received a blood transfusion from Jesus. Jesus' blood was spilled upon the ground when stabbed by the Roman soldier. Jesus' blood saving mankind is just symbolic, not literal.
So, what about all those people who died because of the blood issue? Are you saying they died for nothing? Man, that sucks.
" we desire mercy not sacrafice" Matt. 12:7