I'll start with my experiences during childhood up to high school years..
I was raised in a typical Catholic family (not very adherent, just keeping up with traditions but it was all that we knew).
Just to let you know, I am alone in the "truth".
1) Short prayers with my Mom before going to sleep. It was short and I think that as a child, God was more real to me than when I became a JW. I would say, "Dear God. Bless Dad, bless Mom, bless my sister, bless my brother, bless my.... thank for all the blessings we received today. Amen." I don't think I have prayed with my Mom for a very long time. We do.. but of course, silent prayers by both of us.
2) Downtown strolls after going to church.. then coming home to curl up in the sofa while my Dad and Mom prepared delicious food. We had a dirty kitchen outside the house and I would enjoy the smell of burning firewood. Couldn't wait for lunch.
3) Feeling good about my accomplishments in school. Not to be boastful or something, but I was a consistent topnotcher in school.. I felt good about studying and doing well. It made my parents happy, which made me feel happier of course. My parents NEVER pushed me to be an honor student, just a hardworking person so that I would be successful in the future. They're the most hardworking people I've known, but they gave me LOTS of time for play after school!!! I had a blast during childhood. I'd roam around in the neighborhood (we lived in a sleepy town with virtually no crime) doing HOUSE-to-HOUSE (lol) playing with all the neighborhood children until the sun set. Ironically, one of the books I enjoyed reading was the Bible Stories book. Lol
4) Christmas and other feasts. You know, just enjoying the happiness of it all. It was different 20-30 years ago. People were more innocent and did not have all the distractions we have now.
Now fast-forward to late high school and college. And now. The feeling of having been a JW is comparable to losing "innocent happiness" to me. I've gained "friends" but know that at any time I go, I would be treated as if I never existed.
Anyhow, I am starting to rebuild my life and pursue my "worldly" interests such as working full-time to secure my future. My family is still the same and never treated me differently when I became a JW. I somehow regret the times when I became too uptight and self-righteous with them...
But life goes on.. Well, time for some Christmas shopping for my folks. ;)