Hi all, i joined to learn more about JWs. Is it true that you guys believe that Jesus is an archangel? I'm confused on this point.
Jesus The Archangel
by cipher7836 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You are on an ex-jw website so I think it's safe to say that most here don't hold to that view. But yes jw's do hold to that belief. Here's a thread that go's into that subject pretty in depth.
Hi Cipher welcome to JWN.
Hi all, i joined to learn more about JWs
They are a family-destroying, mind-controlling, power-hungry apocalyptic cult.
If I have missed anything there is loads of great info at JWFacts.com
The Searcher
Welcome CIPHER7836 - As someone who's still in, your question about whether Witnesses believe Michael is Jesus is basically irrelevant compared to many other of the false doctrines which are taught. Enjoy finding out on this site what the Bible really teaches about those!
Band on the Run
The Witnesses have beliefs distinct from mainstream Christianity. The nature of Christ is one big difference. Most Christian denominations believe in the Trinity in some form. They belief that Christ is God. Jesus was the Incarnation of God. The Witnesses place a lot of emphasis on the Old Testament and believe that Jehovah is the top God. I did not know this when I was active but Jesus is created inferior to God. Witnesses claim he was Michael the Archangel. When you read Witness literature, Jehovah is the prime actor. This differs from 99% of Christian denominations.
I suggest reading the thread. It is confusing.
@ The Searcher
The Bible is an unattributed arbitrarily compiled self-contradicting unscientific historicaly unsound collection of ancient mystical writings supposedly inspired (whatever that means) by a long silent hebrew sky god (who also happens to offer no tangible evidence that he even exists) so why should we care what it says? What makes it so special in comparision to all the hundreds of other ancient mystical writings?
I mean are much translated and open to interpritation 2000+ year old writings the originals of which no longer exist the best way almighty all knowing god, the wisest, most loving and holy creator of everthing that ever was, is or will be could think of to communicate his message? That's just one of the massive logic holes with regards to Christian belief that finally convinced me that Christianity was wrong once I left the JWs.
@ CIPHER7836
Welcome to jehovahs-witness.net. If you're interested in learning about JW doctrine I would say the best place to go is jwfacts.com as it is all but 100% impartial and you won't get any ex-JW now whatever denomination Christian telling you their biblical interpritation is better than the JWs.
However, if you're interested in debating the Bible and Christian beliefs then this is a good place as any.
Cold Steel
Yes, it's one of the more bizarre points of the religion.
We can find out who Jesus was in the premortal life by going to the book of Zechariah. Regardless of what the JWs say, Armageddon will happen in the Middle East, in Jerusalem. We know this by reading Ezek. 38-39, Zech. 12-14, and Rev. 11-13. All these things occur in Jerusalem, without a doubt. But let's just concentrate on Zechariah's passages.
As we see, this will happen in the day that Jehovah will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. Clearly this has not yet happened because the last time Jerusalem was beseiged, the Romans won and then scattered the Jews to the four corners of the earth, as the prophets had foreseen. So we see Jehovah saying, "And they shall look upon me whom they have pierced." Who was pierced? Jesus. We then see the embedded references to "only son" and "his firstborn," titles of the Son of God, again Jesus. And after the Jews see that he is pierced, what do the Jews do? They go into mourning. Why? Because they'll know that their messiah is Jesus Christ, and that they and their fathers had made a terrible mistake. Zechariah also writes:
This really doesn't need a comment, but.... Again Jerusalem is under seige and, again, Jehovah is coming to fight their battles. As Jesus ascended into Heaven after his resurrection, the two angels told the apostles that he would come "in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven." That was on the Mount of Olives. Now we see that Jehovah is coming and that "his feet" shall stand upon the Mount of Olives.
So my question to the Society is, whose feet are going to stand on the Mount of Olives that day? Sounds like Jesus, but the scripture states, "the Lord my God shall come." So as Methodist scholar Margaret Barker and other scholars have concluded, Jesus was known in premortality, not as Michael, but as Jehovah.
When Adam sinned, man needed an intercessor. That intercessor was Jehovah, the only begotten son of the Father. Thus, it was Jesus who was the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. That's why Jesus said, "Before Abraham was, I AM." It was a clear, concise statement that he was Yahweh, and it's why the Jews went berzerk and tried to stone him. So it may have gone over the heads of the Governing Body, but not the leaders of the Jews.