I've seldomly seen it happen. They practically have to cheat on their wife or something before anything can be done. The "brother" can act like a total dick, show favortism towards others (especially includes appointed certain brother they like as elder and ones they don't like they ignore them no matter how well they qualify), selectively enforce rules on certain ones and ignore them when their buddies are involved. I've even seen some have an explosive temper. Nothing is ever done about it. Do you think that's christian? Do you think that's fair? What are your experiences on this and have you ever seen an elder removed when it wasn't something like drug use, adultery, or anything serious like that? Because from what I've seen, once a brother is appointed elder, it becomes very difficult for him to be removed no matter how corrupt he is.
How hard is it to get an elder removed?
by toto555 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well, even if an elder is found guilty of adultery and privately reproved, they are removed...(I'm sure there are some exceptions but well hidden)
Back in the congregation servant days, ours was a practicing alcoholic, still an elder despite the newpaper printing the names of DUIs. He was finally removed when the new elder arrangement came in.
Another was removed after ripping off half the congregation...and then df'd.
I have found if an elder ticks off elders on his body, those with influence, they are more likely to be removed.
Remember there aren't many elders nowadays and many are incompetent or lazy. I was in several congregations with only one or 2 MS. That meant if they removed an elder, the other elders had to pick up the slack, horrors, even having to do microphone or attendant duty.
It is hard to get a pompous, self-righteous, prick elder removed.
The easiest way. Have his teenaged kid get into some judicial trouble, or have someone to inflate what his teenaged kid is doing. Then ask the kid if his dad is having a regular family study with him.
Get the elder's name in the newspaper for some negative activity like late payment of taxes.
Get yourself known for some negative activity and then say that the elder does this very thing. Talking up boxing, WWF events, MMA on Spike TV. Then write the Society and ask if there is a separate set of rules for elders and complain that you were disciplined by the elders when Brother Elder does the same thing.
Fingerpointing can boomerang. Don't underestimate the power of that elder...there is a reason he hasn't been removed: I saw an elder over time have 3 children df'd, he never stopped being an elder (money ruled and people liked him). Elders that function as private banks for other elders and COs, has dinner with the CO or DO, provides fancy clothing and trips). Elders related to each other, father, son, uncle, nephew, grandfather....
Work rather on clear evidence of wrongdoing that can lead to removal and get brothers not in the congregation, CO, DO, on your side.
The elder who was studying with me was removed for sticking up for the CO against the PO and his cronies in my original congregation. The CO said the brother was "railroaded".
There was so much lying and corruption in that body of elders, I knew Jehovah's spirit was not there. I wish I had left back then after witnessing that unfair fiasco.
The PO even banned me from giving talks on the school and would not accept my AP applications because I sided with the elder who was studying with me and who was in the right.
The corrupt elder PO remained an elder even after the congregation was dissolved- he became an elder in another congregation. He was a real jerk. As one brother explained to me at the time "It is all politics".
Heck, Toronto can't even get rid of it's mayor. I checked. The civil servants are bound by an oath, have a statement of ethics, and there is a zero tolerance for drug use. Not so the elected officials.
As a New York writer pointed out, no-one had thought that an elected official would refuse to resign after being publically humiliated with the truth.
Very hard to get an elder removed if he hasn't done anything clear cut to be removed.
More likely for an elder to be removed because he has done something to sour the majority of other elders on him. If he ticks the vast majority of the elder body off, you can bet the CO is hearing "their version" of it in private. His family & everything he says & does will be picked on until either he cracks and resigns, or those wanting him out find something to convince the CO to delete him with.
Bungi Bill
As long as the "Hours" column on his Monthly Field Service report form consistently reads 10 (or greater) , then he is fairly safe - no matter what.
A different matter, though, should it ever start to read less!