Well its been since I was around 5 years young that I last went to church. So today I went to a church of a friend and it was very nice. They sang some songs with a band, good songs unlike JW's. They also put on a little christmas recitle with the kids. They sang about Jesus and his birth etc. all positives about Christ and the kids even read from the bible. Then the elders gave a couple of small talks again about Jesus and the gospel of why christ was sent. All in all it was a whole meeting about Jesus the man that died for our sins. Nothing about a mother Organization or thier awesome leaders. They raised 4000 pounds of food for the local poor and donated $2100 to have a meal catered for ones going through a recovery program and all where invited. All this from a congrgation about the same size as my former hall about 140 people. They even gave away fee bibles. Talk about a church more like the kind the apostles advicated. It was very refreshing, and I'm already seeing the advantages of being called to christ by my heavenly father over the last sect i was apart of.
Went to church for the first time in a long long time.
by Crazyguy 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's really good to hear that you left feeling great! I'm denominationally unaffiliated and absolutely love my freedom. My contribution to a church is ALWAYS proportionate to the level of care a church shows towards the community. As a non-member, I suspect some of the churches I've attended got huge surprises some weekends.
You know what's nice about going to the KH? I walk in with an Ipad and a cell phone for the hotspot. Knowing I won't need it, I leave my purse at home.
Welcome home. :)
I was told as a JW the church service plays on your emotion, the singing.
Well I think that's a good thing when they raise funds for the poor and
nothing wrong with some good old moving music.
Is there anything the WT got RIGHT.
Band on the Run
Their outreach sounds impressive. Social activities and volunteer opportunities are some of the main things that attract me to a church. It is nice to know that there are warm, caring places. I also like some educational program. Warmth is a good feeling. My favorite church times iinvolve volunteering in outreach ministries.
There are many options besides the Witnesses.
Cold Steel
Yes, too bad those worldly people will be destroyed forever at Armageddon.
What is the Mormon take on those worldly people, Cold Steel?
Cold Steel
They have nothing to worry about from a Mormon standpoint, collectively speaking.
With all the various near death experiences I've read, the first question people are usually asked is, "What have you done for others?" Not, "Which church do you belong to?"