Changes that Disturb people!

by BU2B 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BU2B

    I just discovered this wonderful article comparing how JWs view changes made to other religions doctrine, vs how it is for them. Here are a few samples.

    “Changes That Disturb People
    A businessman in Medellín, Colombia, expressed the effect the changes have had on many. “Tell me,” he asked, “how can I have confidence in anything? How can I believe in the Bible, in God, or have faith? Just ten years ago we Catholics had the absolute truth, we put all our faith in this. Now the pope and our priests are telling us this is not the way to believe any more, but we are to believe ‘new things.’ How do I know the ‘new things’ will be the truth in five years?” What are some of these changes that disturb people?”
    Awake! April 22, 1970, p.8.

    The Effect The effect upon many devout Catholics has been devastating. “All these years I thought it was a sin to eat meat,” explained a housewife in the midwestern United States. “Now I suddenly find out it isn’t a sin. That’s hard to understand.” If you are a Catholic, can you understand how a practice that was considered by the Church a “mortal sin” can suddenly be approved? if it was a sin five years ago, why is it not today? Many Catholics cannot understand. When a woman in Canada was asked how she felt about the changes in her church, she replied: “I don’t know. Maybe you can tell me. What are they going to do with all those people sent to hell for eating meat on Friday?”
    Not just a few Catholics have asked such questions. The change in teaching has shaken their confidence in the Church. Would you not feel the same way if what you had always been taught to be vital for salvation was suddenly considered unnecessary? Would you not be inclined to question other teachings of your church also?” Awake! April 22, 1970, p.8-10

    This is compared to the WT flip flops on organ transplants. I am thinking about going over the 1970 awake article during the "Family Worship Evening" Maybe it will cause some serious cognitive dissonance. I may just read parts of it and ask her what her thoughts are about it. Anything she says will probaply cause the dissonance becuse it can so easily be applied to the ongoing changes of the WT.

    The link is definitely worth checking out.

  • prologos

    That is why WT writers can only make changes in small increments, otherwise the "spokesmen for God" argument becomes hollow.

    incremental changes from one OVERLAPPING "generation" to

    two OVERLAPPING "groups" in one generation.

    wt waffle shuffle.


    Here we go:

    “Changes That Disturb People

    A businessman in Medellín, Colombia, expressed the effect the changes have had on many. “Tell me,” he asked, “how can I have confidence in anything? How can I believe in the Bible, in God, or have faith? Just ten years ago Jehovah’s Witnesses had the absolute truth, we put all our faith in this. Now the Governing Body are telling us this is not the way to believe any more, but we are to believe ‘new light.’ How do I know the ‘new light’ will be the truth in five years?” What are some of these changes that disturb people?”
    Awake! April 22, 1970, p.8.

    The Effect The effect upon many devout Jehovah’s witnesses has been devastating. “All these years I thought it was a sin to take blood,” explained a housewife in the midwestern United States. “Now I suddenly find out it isn’t a sin. That’s hard to understand.” If you are one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, can you understand how a practice that was considered by the Governing Body a “mortal sin” can suddenly be approved? If it was a sin five years ago, why is it not today? Many of Jehovah’s Witnesses cannot understand. When a woman in Canada was asked how she felt about the changes in her congregation, she replied: “I don’t know. Maybe you can tell me. What are they going to do about all those people who died refusing blood or were disfellowshipped for taking blood?”
    Not just a few Jehovah’s Witnesses have asked such questions. The change in many teachings has shaken their confidence in the Governing Body. Would you not feel the same way if what you had always been taught,” came from Jehovah”, and was vital for salvation was suddenly considered old light? Would you not be inclined to question other teachings of your religious leaders also?” Awake! April 22, 1970, p.8-10

  • BU2B

    Data Dog

  • LostGeneration

    The whole site is a gold mine of material, some of the best essays that absolutely destroy WT theology.

    All newbies should spend a few days reading that stuff.

  • DesirousOfChange

    "The change in many teachings has shaken their confidence in the Governing Body. Would you not feel the same way if what you had always been taught,” came from Jehovah”, and was vital for salvation was suddenly considered old light? Would you not be inclined to question other teachings of your religious leaders also?”

    Actually, I think that is going on in many circles. Many are subtling questioning all the changes going on. They know they must be cautious with whom they speak so as not to draw the wrath of the "leaders", but there is much murmuring going on within the Organization right now.

    Be prepared for increased sabre rattling to silence those who dare to make bold inquiries.



    Data-Dog says, " Bookmark that site, today!!"

  • Oubliette

    JW: Leave other religion = Good. Leave our religion = Bad.

  • DS211


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