Was thinking about this last night. I got married out of the truth but what would have been the situation if he had been a vicar or something like that? Talk about cat amongst the pigeons!!!!
What would happen if a jw decided to marry a vicar/priest???
by quellycatface 5 Replies latest jw experiences
Funny scenario, but only likely if one becomes apostate and converts to another sect of "Christendom" in which case the witnessed will probably be df'd for Apostacy with a capital "A" lol
What do you think?
Kate xx
is that in a country that has gay marriage rights?
Haha that's a point. What would the BOE recommend if a JW started a study with a gay married couple with kids. I mean Jerkovah hates a divorcing. I would have just carried on going and count the time.
Conudrum for the BOE, nothing in the Shepherd book about that one!!
Kate xx
Kate, I believe the official word on that is that it wouldn't be an evil divorcing, since (according to JWs) a homosexual marrage is not scripturally valid to begin with.
................................The Vicar would have to..
.......................Cast the WBT$ Demons Out of the JW..