I understand that Exclusive Brethern can't;
Share a housewall with an adjoining house belonging to a non EB
only conduct business dealings with another member etc etc.
how exclusive can U get?
by badboy 7 Replies latest jw friends
I understand that Exclusive Brethern can't;
Share a housewall with an adjoining house belonging to a non EB
only conduct business dealings with another member etc etc.
how exclusive can U get?
Exclusive Brethern (are they also known as the Plymouth Brethern?) do not allow their children to attend Computer Studies lessons at school, as they see computers as tools of Satan.
They are so nutty even JWs see them as fundamentalist lunatics!
I don't know if the Exclusive Brethren are the same as the Plymouth Brethren. I know a few Plymouth Brethren. When I left the JWs one I know knocked on my door with some of their tracts trying to convert me. I had to laugh at the irony of it.
Our house used to belong to members of the Plymouth Brethren, it's semi detached so I guess the neighbours must have been too.
Where I live, the Plymouth Brethren children are always put with the JW children during christmas activities and religious assemblies at school.
They don't like TVs, computers, radios etc. The females (even little toddlers) have to wear headscarves, have long hair and never wear trousers. The children are taught at home once they reach secondary school age. The men stand in our high street on a saturday shouting out about the bible, everyone tries to avoid them!
Despite their strangeness, the ones I know are generally a very nice group of people, they really care about each other and are very close knit. The children are really lovely and well mannered. But they definitely won't convert me - sorry Jo! (not that she'll see this cos they don't like computers! lol)
Just as the Jehovahs Witnesses name refects their identifying hallmark as being the truth.
(Their claim to be the only Church carrying out a Worldwide preaching work)
And just as the Seventh Day Adventists, include their hallmark identifier in their name.
(The observance of the Saturday Sabbath, which proves THEY are the true church)
Well, so with the Exclusive Brethren.
Their name identifies the doctrine that proves they are the true last days church.
Their hallmark is their "Seperation" from the wicked world.
There are two group of plymouth brethern: The open and The exclusive or closed brethern.
The latter had more splits then the previous group. Doctrine is very important to the brethern so when any difference of opinions happen it usely means a split.
One of these splits that accured from the closed brethern produced a very small group by the name of Raven brethern, they are known as this because of a Mr Raven. His views were considerbly different he denied the Eternal Sonship of Christ. Then another split occured in this branch, some went off to follow a teacher who's name was Mr James Tylor, then some of those followed his son James Tylor jr.
Most consider them a CULT and most brethern groups have nothing to do with any of the Raven group because of there strange diversion of a major issue and teaching. Therefore considering best to avioding them completely. These are a very small group when compared to the rest of Bretherns world wide.
It is from this Raven group that strange ideas come out such as some forbiding certian things as avoiding computers, no flowers in the garden, ect...
Most brethern use computers in work or at home have main stream belief theology. The only difference from other main stream churches is in the conducting of church service- there is no paid pastor or preacher.
The open brethern are independant of each other, each church has a number of elders who meet the requirements of 1 Timothy. 3, Titus. 1
Decons may be appointed, but don't govern. Teaching falls to the brothers who use their gifts in different areas such as teaching ect... And of course sisters who have gifts in certain areas for women studies and ladies conferences.
The closed brethern are not independent and have a circle of fellowship, but there is no governing body over seeing it. They feel because they see most churches in ruins that they can't have elders. In stead they have some leading brothers take on this role.
In the open brethern women choose to wear headcoverings during church service. Hair length is induvidual and personal. As with everything else.
In the closed, women wear some form of head covering all the time and have long hair as respect. And they usely don't let their children eat with other secular children at school ect...
Brethern are big on witnessing, evangelising and missions. And the early churches way of breaking bread together.
There trinitarian's.
And they believe in the eternal Sonship of Christ.
And baptise by immersion, but salvation is not dependent upon this.
The closed believe in family baptisms of christian households.
Therefore on conclusion stick with the 'open brethern' and your fine. Stay 'clear' of the closed and then your less likely to fall victim of yet another CULT.
Stephanus and I spent some time in the open brethern and we still sometimes go to mission dinners at the gospel chapel that they have.
I hope this wasn't too deep...
Refiners fire if your there their really big on dispensations.
I believe the lot I am referring to are also called the Taylor Brethern
I believe thats the Brethren cult known as the "Jims".
Theyre the worst of the lot.
I believe theyre based in Sydney, unless Im mistaken.
A brief rundown on the "Jims" group.
I think, that at one time I read that C.I. Scofield[Scofield Bible]
was a Plymouth Brethern also C.A. Ironside[Moody Bible Inst.]had leanings in that direction at one time.