There's quite a lot on TV just now about Jesus. I'm not sure anymore....Was he the son of God, or just generally a good person?
I'm not atheist or agnostic but I just want something real and true.
by quellycatface 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
There's quite a lot on TV just now about Jesus. I'm not sure anymore....Was he the son of God, or just generally a good person?
I'm not atheist or agnostic but I just want something real and true.
I just want something real and true
Reality and truth are the opposite of myth and superstition.
Perhaps begin by examining why we believe irrational things.
Have a look on YouTube for talks and debates by Michael Shermer, Dan Barker, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens.
If they give you a new way of seeing the world there are load of great books I can recommend.
Forming an opinion on whether Jesus existed and if so, what or who he was is , as I'm sure you appreciate, going to need some work. You may not be able to reach a definitive answer to those questions that satisfy you, but if you're prepared to do some research you might be able to reach a decision based on a probability.
Putting aside as far as possible emotional attachments, why not read around the subject (and there's a lot to read on that subject). I can't recommend any particular reading on this (as I long ago lost any interest in Christianity and other organised religions), but there are many on here who I am sure could, and some interesting discussions too.
Determining what is real and true has been behind the efforts of scientists and philosophers for centuries - don't expect a quick resolution :)
"There's quite a lot on TV just now about Jesus. I'm not sure anymore....Was he the son of God, or just generally a good person?"
...or did he even exist?
Many years ago I wrestled with the same conundrums you are facing today. Is God real or true? To answer that question, you must look at the cold facts. You must shun "Divine Revelation", ignore wishful thinking, and avoid the opinions of those around you and concentrate on the evidence.
What I personally found was that God supposedly gave us five senses with which to perceive the world. Yet with none of these senses can we perceive God. We cannot taste to see that he is good. We cannot see him or feel him or smell him because he is incorporeal. We cannot hear him because he does not speak. We pray to him but he doesn't answer. He does nothing to alleviate human suffering.
To paraphrase Carl Sagan, whats the difference between an invisible, incorporeal God who does nothing and says nothing--and no God at all?
What's "real and true" is out there, but you have to find it.
Most Christians would assert that Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians. Neither are Mormons. Both religions are termed New Religious Movements by academics eager to not use the word cult. Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs are not shared my the overwhelming majority of Christians. The Witnesses self-identify as Christian.
Why don't you read the wikipedia articles on Christianity and denominations? I am presently reading them to figure out what the different Protestant groups actually believe. It seems you are interested in Christology or the nature of Christ. I have many books but, alas, they are packed in boxes.
There is no way to prove one way of belief is more real than another. A good rule of the road for me is to recall what the Witnesses taught -- and believe the opposite.
You may be somewhere on a vast grayscale between wonderful and rotten in a hundred different ways all through your lifetime.
Take a deep breath and one giant step back away from your question for a moment.
You are the person you are.
You are responsible for what you do and how you affect others.
Whether or not your mind perfectly grasps something is practically irrelevent!
A totally ignorant person can be a great help to others and demonstrate kindness, generosity, and a host of positive qualities.
A well-informed expert on religion (Christianity) may know chapter and verse cover to cover--yet be a total asshole.
The brain is not where Christianity resides.
Christianity is only one manifestation of how and why a person chooses to live and act a certain way that is an active, positive influence.
Stop sweating the indoctrination mindset. It is for egoists and quacks on the one hand, and for well-intentioned knuckle-heads on the other.
If you were drowning and somebody jumped in to "save" you--would you care what religion they were? Hardly.
Your life only has importance if it is well-lived and embraces the aspects of sharing, commitment and nurturing which create positive influences.
Guess what? That can happen for a hundred different reasons--not the least of which is because you happen to DO THINGS that work well.
Be PRACTICAL and forget the second-guessing.
It isn't what you say that counts.
It isn't what you hold in your mind to be true that counts.
It is what you do and how you live that REALLY COUNTS.
"Reasons" are just descriptions of our excuse.
I think Christ of the bible was just a one time Rabbi who some people after his death turned him
into son of god character by creating many embellished stories.
From those stories a new religion was established which is still believed by a portion of humanity today.
The hint that the stories were created for the people living at the time is realized
through the scriptural wording of the bible.
As far as gods go pretty deceit wouldn't you say though ?
Unfortunately some people over believe this god to what he was to do for them, to their own failing detriment.
If you makes friends with God, through the blood covenant (and no other way) he will find YOU. You can count on it!
You and the Mayans eh Perry
What Did Jesus Do? Reading and Unreading the Gospels? by Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker.
It's a long but worth read on scholars' views of the Gospels, the historical Jesus, and the theology developed around him.