I am reading "Teach Your Child How To Think" by Edward de Bono. Right now im learning about attributes of a good thinker. Throughout oart 1 of the book it states that critical thinking and just learning information is not enough. You need creative thinking and ither attributes to go along with it. On page 67 it talks of:
1. Attitudes-with which is our way or approach to thinking
2. Principles: those guiding principles which make up good thinking
3. Habits: routines we make automatic
4. Basic operations of thinking (fundamentals)
5. Tools we use to prsctise and use deliberately
6. Structures- formats in which we hold things for convenience.
i thought principles were an i teresting concept." To be a good thinker the principles we have will always want to examine specific circumstances in which a statement is true. With these we form habits but as a matter of routine a good thinker will always pause to see if there are alternatives at any point. "
these are in direct contradiction to what the Society teach. they want want you not to think. Its the same as an intellectual who is book smart but has n. Street smarts (ie a poor thinker). He is usually arrogant and feels situations are black vs white. But a good thinker looks at all shades and creates a better overall picture in any situation.
this is why Born-ins have so much trouble with change...you develop these habits and thought processes at a yiung age, they stop thinking, and only react. That is a person who is only a "critical thinker" and without the wisdom to be creative and explore firther before making a judgment.
Since i became a witness i find it hard to make decsions....whether its what to cook, what movie to see, what restaurant to eat at....as it is with my wife. She also has trouble choosing. Anyways just thought id share a bit of what i learned, which is this book is not just for a child...but even a poor thinking adult.