Teach your Child how to think!--and what ive learned this far!

by DS211 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • DS211

    I am reading "Teach Your Child How To Think" by Edward de Bono. Right now im learning about attributes of a good thinker. Throughout oart 1 of the book it states that critical thinking and just learning information is not enough. You need creative thinking and ither attributes to go along with it. On page 67 it talks of:

    1. Attitudes-with which is our way or approach to thinking

    2. Principles: those guiding principles which make up good thinking

    3. Habits: routines we make automatic

    4. Basic operations of thinking (fundamentals)

    5. Tools we use to prsctise and use deliberately

    6. Structures- formats in which we hold things for convenience.

    i thought principles were an i teresting concept." To be a good thinker the principles we have will always want to examine specific circumstances in which a statement is true. With these we form habits but as a matter of routine a good thinker will always pause to see if there are alternatives at any point. "

    these are in direct contradiction to what the Society teach. they want want you not to think. Its the same as an intellectual who is book smart but has n. Street smarts (ie a poor thinker). He is usually arrogant and feels situations are black vs white. But a good thinker looks at all shades and creates a better overall picture in any situation.

    this is why Born-ins have so much trouble with change...you develop these habits and thought processes at a yiung age, they stop thinking, and only react. That is a person who is only a "critical thinker" and without the wisdom to be creative and explore firther before making a judgment.

    Since i became a witness i find it hard to make decsions....whether its what to cook, what movie to see, what restaurant to eat at....as it is with my wife. She also has trouble choosing. Anyways just thought id share a bit of what i learned, which is this book is not just for a child...but even a poor thinking adult.


  • monis

    i'll have to read this book!

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi DS211, IMHO critiical thinking means to do your own independent research, think for yourself, and come to your own conclusions/decisions. What I like and is good for me, may not be good for everyone else. A little skepticism is a good thing. Children/adults should be encourage to do independent research, embrace change when there is a positive benefit for them and not just to change, and to be a little skeptical when other people try to influence a person to believe as they do.

    To be a JW means to not critically think for yourself and to do what the leaders say even if it is not in ones best interest. If you are having troubles making time-sensitive decisions (i.e., cooking, going to a movie), is it possible to ask yourself what is the worse thing that can happen to you? As a JW, the worst thing was being shunned/marked. Since you are no longer a JW, the worst thing is you may not like your decision, but there are no long-term consequences.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • cofty

    A little skepticism is a good thing. - ABS

    The degree of our skepticism depends on the premise we are being asked to accept.

    If somebody claims they had wine and crackers for tea, the chances are we would accept their word with little or no skepticism.

    If they said the wine and crackers turned into the body and blood of a dead carpenter then a huge level of skepticism is appropriate.

    Teaching our children how to be skeptical, while avoiding cynicism is one of the best things we can do.

  • DS211

    Critical thinking is important...but our thinking skills shouldnt stop there because our environment is not a set of standards you react to by a book. Experience is pivotal in becoming a good thinker...The WT eliminates many opportunities to share experiences and loo. At different sides of the story. In fact the WT raising of a child means trying to raise them as peter perfect, while controlling all experiences they have. The child then forms a bubble with tight biundaries and little to no experience with a real environment. Kids need a certsin amount of freedom to experience things ....for instance if there are kids in a sandbox at someones home the parents are ok....but then the kids expand their boundary by then playing in the yard and then going out in the field behind the house. Now the parent gets nervous and even though the property is fenced they begin to think "omg what if theres a snake? What if they get hurt? Etc." a healthy thing to do is let the damn kids explore a little...instead of controlling every move they make...i hope i am making sense. Ive just started the book but its pretty cool so far.

  • losingit

    Happy to have a review of the book since it's recommended so much on this site. :-)

  • DS211

    Ive added a lot of my own thoughts but ill share more from the book as i read it

  • snare&racket

    Its the best gift to give a child, the ability to critically appraise, you can send them out in the world knowing they have the tools to decide truth from fiction to the best of their ability.

    for me, it would be just as wrong to indoctrinate a child in atheism as it is religion. Raising then to hold evidence and reason in high esteem, will provide a protection on all they do and believe.

    This is why education is SOOOO important, here these skills are honed and sharpened. Cults like the JW's blu t these abilities, it is literally punishible to behave as an independant mind.

  • DS211

    Ok next- Forward thinking and Parallel thinking

    on page 109 (for kids down to age 4) it gives these two examples

    1. Forward thnking-if we are at point A we move forward to point B, then to C.

    example: "It is obvious 5+3=8."

    2. Parallel thinking- we have point A then B then C in parallel. they are not determined by each other. They exist in parallel. We can look around and find them.

    example: "the answer 8 could have been the result of 5+3. But it could also have been the result of 4+4, 7+1 and 6+2."

    bith types of thinking are important. But in WT world more forward thinking than parallel is used.

    Can you think of some examples?

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