Governing Body rules on having parties and social gatherings......

by EndofMysteries 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    I decided to do a few threads the next few days on RIDICULOUS sets of rules the GB makes about things which are none of their business and showing what rules they make, which are in no way scriptual. They claim they are not inspired but everybody has to obey them. These threads will also show how they strip and attack anything that can possibly be fun and joyful in one's life.

    This thread is about parties, social gatherings, etc. The GB and WT teach it's members to not associate with anybody else not of their religion. You'd think they would encourage and promote as many social activities as possible so it's members would not feel any urge to look elsewhere for having fun but they do the opposite.

    The 3/1/2006 WT page 20/21 says " Having large social events is not advisable, since supervision at such is often difficult. At a time that does not interfere with spiritual activities, a few families may decide to enjoy a picnic together or play a game that is not overly competitive. When some of the elders, ministerial servants, or other mature ones are present at a social gathering, they provide an influence for good and the occasion can be even more refreshing.15 At social gatherings, those making the arrangements should not overlook the need for proper supervision. "

    (Can they show me where in the bible does it say having large social events is wrong? So members who have large parties will be talked too or looked down upon. They should instead just have a picnic with a few people while watching little house on the praire? I'm also curious where in the bible does it say that everyone including adults are actually children and need to be supervised? Who supervises the governing body?)

    Some gems from the 8/15/1992 WT page 19 about parties and forbiddening fun theme parties like masquerades and costume parties......"17 Fine oversight of a social gathering includes its planning and preparation. This does not require devising a catchy theme to make it unique or memorable but which would imitate worldly parties, such as costume balls or masquerade parties. Can you imagine faithful Israelites in the Promised Land planning a party where all were to dress like pagans in Egypt or another land? Would they plan sensuous dancing or wild music that might be the rage among pagans?"

    (So it's wrong to have a "unique and memorable" party like a masquerade because the GB said so!)

    "The Canada branch of the Watch Tower Society writes: “Counsel relative to limiting the size of social gatherings has been understood by a few elders to mean that large gatherings at wedding receptions are in violation of the counsel. They have concluded that if we are counseled to keep our social gatherings to a small, manageable size, it would be wrong to have 200 or 300 people at a wedding reception.”

    (so not only are parties having 200 or more 'wrong', but even on a person's wedding day having 200 or more is wrong, BECAUSE..not the bible, but the canada branch of the WT claims that a few elders have decided that it's wrong and since the GB put their stamp on it, it's to be obeyed as bible doctrine!!)

    Feel free to add more, I can add much more but dont' want to make the post too big lol.

  • leaving_quietly

    >>Can they show me where in the bible does it say having large social events is wrong?

    Gal 5:21 and 1 Pet 4:3 discuss parties a bit. Both have specific meanings, and both are in a negative connotation.

    kómos: a village festival, revel

    Original Word: κῶμος, ου, ὁ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
    Transliteration: kómos
    Phonetic Spelling: (ko'-mos)
    Short Definition: a feasting, reveling
    Definition: a feasting, reveling, carousal.

    2970 kṓmos (originally, village-merrymaking that took place at the gathering of the grapes, Souter) – a riotous party (drunken feast) which hosted unbridled sexual immorality; hence, revelings (debauched "partying").

    [2970 (kṓmos) had the original meaning, " 'a carousal,' such as a party of revelers parading the streets, or revels held in religious ceremonies, wild, furious, and ecstatic" (K. Wuest, Word Studies, Vol 2, Pastoral Epistles, 1 Peter, 112).]

    1 Peter 4:3 uses the word potos:

    potos: a drinking bout

    Original Word: πότος, ου, ὁ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
    Transliteration: potos
    Phonetic Spelling: (pot'-os)
    Short Definition: a drinking, carousing
    Definition: a drinking, carousing.

    That said, WT says "it is not advisable". Most read that as a rule, but there is no rule stated in that particular quotation. To say that a large party is "wrong", as what you quoted from the Canadian branch, is in and of itself simply becoming masters of everyone elses' faith. What is wrong in one person's eyes is not wrong in another's. This entire argument is known as the "slippery slope" fallacy. (

    There's actually numerous fallacies to this because, as we know, festivals were in the Bible, and they included thousands of people at a time, and they were a-okay. It all has to do with what happens at those occasions. For example, at Colossains 2:16, the Greek word used for festival is:

    heorté: a feast, a festival

    Original Word: ἑορτή, ῆς, ἡ
    Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
    Transliteration: heorté
    Phonetic Spelling: (heh-or-tay')
    Short Definition: a festival, feast
    Definition: a festival, feast, periodically recurring.

    So, when WT is talking about large parties or large gatherings, they must have in mind the first two examples, not even entertaining the thought that the third example could be possible among JWs. Again, a fallacy, black-and-white thinking.

    The bit about not having themed parties does go overboard, and is not, to my knowledge, based on scripture.

  • Narcissistic Supply
    Narcissistic Supply

    As my 4 year old would say. Kiss my booty butt!!!

  • blondie


    I was an adult in 1980-1981, the years the “Great Apostasy” fear spread all over the WTS. Certain Bethelites had been studying informally, the Bible (NWT) and WTS publications such as the WT study article, book study material, etc. Just a few individuals, not a rival “book study” or internal “congregation.” Many rank and file did the same thing, got together for a meal and study of the WT study article on a Saturday night. In some congregations, single jws without jw families or families nearby would find this a way to socialize and be “upbuilt” spiritually.

    But the rumors were flying around; that apostates had infiltrated Bethel and that it went as high as the top (some mentioned Ray Franz and Ed Dunlap, but mostly the “perpetrators” were nameless. The rumor was that some of the translators for the Spanish language publications had altered the words to reflect false teachings or deceive the rank and file (Ray Franz was an excellent Spanish speaker having served in many of those countries.) I had never heard of either men and certainly not the other people I learned of when reading Ray Franz’s books.

    Suddenly all these informal study groups in the congregations had to end immediately. No “large” groups. But what was large? Only 2 family groups, then 2 single people would be 2 family groups yet 2 families of 5 people each (10 total) would be acceptable. 3 is bad but 10 is okay? These informal groups stopped studying any bible or WT literature, just watched “worldly” movies, played cards and board games (no bible games please) and kept it under 10 people (my congregation’s rule and people would stake out any events). It was a sad day for many single jws that otherwise had no social life and no informal discussion of scriptural questions or ideas.

    Is it no wonder that many jws thought that Ray Franz was one of those disfellowshiped in 1980 for apostasy with these 2 items in the August 1980 Kingdom Ministry?

    *** km 8/80 pp. 1-4 Branch Letter ***

    We are saddened to report at this time that five members of the Bethel family, and a few others in the New York city area have recently been disfellowshiped. There has been some apostasy against the organization and the promoting of sectarian divisions in some of the congregations of God’s people. (Titus 3:9-11) Living as we are in times difficult to deal with, it should not be surprising that such things occur. The first-century congregation also experienced deviations as we well know from our reading of the Holy Scriptures.—1 Tim. 1:20; 4:1; 2 Tim. 2:17, 18; 1 Cor. 15:12, 13; Acts 20:29, 30. It is our hope that such ones will come to their senses, repent, and return to Jehovah’s organization which would be to their everlasting benefit.

    *** km 8/80 p. 2 Announcements ***

    This is a notification that Raymond Victor Franz is no longer a member of the Governing Body and of the Brooklyn Bethel family as of May 22, 1980.

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