interesting discussion here about CRB checks

by Ruby456 3 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Ruby456

    here is the church of England's stance

    ought jehovahs witnesses follow the archbishop of Canterbury's lead?

    the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev Justin Welby, said earlier this year that the Church was being “utterly ruthless” in its approach to criminal record checks even though cases of abuse are “negligible”.

    The Archbishop said that volunteers refusing checks will be told: “You can’t come to church”.

  • zeb

    "Make it so".

    It would be revealing indeed to see the empty seats in all kh if this were done 'overnight'.. but it never will be. and all credit to the Archbishop himself a "JW" (look at his initials).

  • Xanthippe

    I certainly think people conducting Sunday school and looking after children in church creches should have a CRB check. I don't know why they describe it as being 'subjected' to a CRB check. I had to have one for my one morning a week voluntary work with people with mental health problems. It doesn't hurt. The person sending it off just writes your name and address on a form and posts it. I was sent a copy so I could see what it says. It's sad that such things have become necessary to protect vulnerable people but those of us that used to be JWs know that it is necessary.

  • Phizzy

    As someone said in the comments section of the Daily Telegraph, those that object to such checks are of the same mind-set that allowed abuse to go on for so long.

    If someone has nothing to hide .............

    The vulnerable should be offered every protection possible, and these checks are simply a basic necessity.


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