My tween went Christmas caroling with a small group through our neigbhorhood. They didn't know where some JWs lived in our neighborhood. By accident, they knocked on the JW door. A woman answered. The householder stood there, blankly staring at the carolers, who were singing. She went back into the house. The kids thought it was to get someone else to enjoy the carolers or to get a treat. A man came out, and told the kids to "Go Away!" Apparently, he said it in a mean, nasty way. (There was no "Thank you, but we don't celebrate Chirstmas...", which had there been it would have gone a long way with these kdis.) The man's nastiness and the woman's coldness made an impression on the tweens, and one of them said in that scarcastic 13 year old voice, "Weeeellll, Thank you very much!"
My tween (and some from the group) came home and told me all about it, and had figured out that this house might be a JW house. So we talked about it. I said, "The funny thing is that this JW couple knock on other people's doors, trying to push the Jehovah's Witness religion by proposing a Bible study. When I was a JW, we talked about people who were not receptive to us at the door, and I really thought those people were not liked by God because they were mean to us." The kids then talked about it and said, "Well, do onto others as you would do to yourself." In other words, they all "got" how the JWs were, a one-way street. I'm pretty sure these kids will slam the door on JWs who come to their house now. LOL.