Planning to voice dissesnt next year

by kneehighmiah 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • kneehighmiah

    I plan to voice my dissent after our next discussion of the generation teaching coming in April. Obviously I will avoid incriminating myself. But, I feel it's a perfect time for me to question the credibility of the GB considering most people at our hall are old enough to remember the 1995 flip flop. It's shocking how people can't admit the GB is wrong and just guessing. They continue to repeat the same wait on Jehovah meme. The GB knows people are going to be upset with the new teachings they have coming up. That's why they call all who have doubts "false apostles" and encourage us to avoid association with them in the December 15 WT.

    Btw I have told non JW family and friends that I no longer believe our teachings. Waiting to fade. Have to be careful though. So badly want to destroy our 1914 teaching with scriptures. Interestingly a friend told me he no longer teaches 1914 in service but he still believes in the organization.

  • Dis-Member

    During my last days in the ministry I found I was unable to talk about anything at all to do with the organisation or it's teachings. I would never even try to invite people to the meetings. I was just too dam embarrassed. All I would talk about was love and humanity and compassion and the love of God. I felt daft with those magazines in my hands. Their contents did nothing for me.

    Come to think of it there was really no point in me being in that religion at all.

  • kneehighmiah

    I plan to spend my remaining time helping family and friends. I don't plan to ever officially leave so that things won't be awkward at family events. Its sad how conditional our live is and how judgemental we are. I feel terrible for the times I judged people on stupid stuff. I pray for forgiveness because it's so unchristian. Once you wake up, you enjoy life more. Everything isn't evil. I don't look down on worldly people. I still love God and Jesus. I'm happier now than ever.

  • clarity

    I remember the preaching seemed so futile, in

    the last days before I got 'TTATT'. I kept wondering

    why I was trying so hard to find new biblestudies,

    when I knew if they ever came to the hall, no one

    would bother with them anyway! Yes I felt

    embarrassed too!


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