So, the online self-named "The Creation Guy" — yes, "the" — has written an article that will shame those of you who believe in Darwin's Evolution THEORY.
He takes on the DNA. Quite a feat for a non scientist! This man must be very close to God Almighty for such brilliant insight.
In this article, his wisdom and intellectual superiority defies argumentation, with rock-solid quotes like this:
"If you know of any examples used in fossil DNA arguments by evolutionists that are not interpretations, but really are actual observations, send them in."
Mind-blowing logic. I suspect that is why Richard Dawkins is silent on the matter of genes, as he is just an ignorant biologist with a bias and no observable evidence.
As we all know, theists actually trust observations and avoid interpretation all the time.
It is obvious we can SEE the Creator, and plainly not see any evidence for an absurd evolution.
Silly Atheists.
I shall pray for their soul.
The article: