Back to the books :(

by snare&racket 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Well that is enough time out the cage, back to the books. More waffle coming in my next academic holiday.

    It's been emotional....

    HAPPY NEW YEAR :P hope it brings you happiness and freedom x

  • KateWild

    Good luck with you exams in Feb Snare, if you need any help with Chemistry / Medicine stuff let me know. Take care Kate xx

  • zeb

    In any written exam.

    • Read the paper over fully. This helps you calm down and brings up knowledge to your mind.
    • If allowed make small checks against any question that you know you know.
    • Then answer these questions.
    • You will have time to spare at the end of this then pick one of the difficult ones and you will be surprised what you recall.
    • Keep the most impossible until the last. Chances are you will get marks for what you set out to do and the effort you make to answer this hard one.

    if only i had known these tips all those years ago. But i did not so big hug to you and eat breakfast before you start the day.

    big hugs.


  • likeabird

    Happy New Year to you too!

    It's the last sprint, probably as grueling, if not more grueling than what you've been though, but hey, in just a few months you will have made it and you and your future patients will be able to benefit from all your hard work. I've still got a few more years to go before I fully graduate but I'm in it for the long haul!

    Thanks for sharing your stories and letting the rest of us know we're not alone in our fight to get the education we could never have while we were still in.

  • KateWild

    I've still got a few more years to go before I fully graduate but I'm in it for the long haul!-like a bird

    That's inspirational, are you doing Medicine too? Kate xx

  • likeabird

    That's inspirational, are you doing Medicine too?

    The plan is to become a Dr, just not in medecine. Would have loved to have done science, especially neuroscience, and researched new ways to give people with physical disabilities better autonomy and mobility, such as through neurologically controlled prosthetics. Unfortunately, doing that would have meant going back and learning everything from scratch, something I didn't want to do. In any case, I'm making up for what I lost from being in the borg, and hopefully, if I manage to get through school, I will also be able to get somewhere and do something good with my life.

    Tonight is the first time I'm going out for New Years. I'd like to raise a glass to all those slogging over their books and perhaps also bashing* a few at the same time! These are the really inspiring ones:

    snare&racket, BillytheEx, sooner, breakfast of champions (soon to be studying) and anyone else I have missed...

    (*proper sense of the term bashing - not what we were brought up to do!)

  • KateWild

    Like a bird, good for you.

    Snare, don't have your head in your books all night, I am sure all your uni buddies will be out tonight. Go celebrate later Snare too.

    Kate xx

  • DesirousOfChange

    Good luck, Snare & Likeabird!

    Very happy to hear that you are moving ahead and improving your opportunities in life.

    Be very thankful you "woke up" to TTATT with (I'm assuming) most of your life ahead of you to pursue your dreams.

    Happy New Year!


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