Such a debate it is ...

by Old Goat 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Old Goat
    Old Goat

    I usually post about Witness history. I read the other posts, sometimes with considerable interest. But my interest is in Witness history and social structure.

    I've recommended the work of Schulz and de Vienne several times, pointing to their history blog and their book on Nelson Barbour. I read Dr. de Vienne's personal blog too. Currently on her blog she's debating Witness authoritarian structure with a Witness. The debate touches on the Watchtower's shifting definition of pornea and the practice of shunning even for questioning unsettled doctrines.

    I think this is worth a read. I also think the Witness is a bit of a fool

  • cofty

    Marking, thank you.

  • TD

    Thank you

  • mind blown
  • Fernando

    " practice of shunning even for questioning unsettled doctrines"

    Now there is a true phrase worth remembering and using.

    Thank you, Old Goat.

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