Well, it's been 100 years since Jesus' invisible return.
No Armageddon?
by mzmmom 4 Replies latest jw friends
It's been almost 2000 years since Jesus died. Face it folks, he's as dead as every other human being who has ever died in Humankind's eons of existence. He isn't going to 'return' visibly or invisibly. What part of 'DEAD' can't we understand?? Any when WE die, every one of us will be equally dead and gone....and not living in "Paradise Earth' or some made-up LaLa Land. Face the facts.....DEAD means DEAD!!! Yep, I know.....it's a drag but it's time to stop believing in fairy tales.
LoisLane looking for Superman
NavyTown ... You're funny.
To answer the OP (opening paragraph) No. No Armageddon. Not then. Not now. Just 8 self-appointed GB "anointed ones" beating the bushes, saying scary things to keep sheeples afraid that the sky is falling... any minute so you might as well give them all your money now. lol What a racket. A snare and a racket.
Armageddon is invisible too.
This is a post I made on this very topic a few months ago.