I remember a thread popped up a while ago where their was a mistake in the subtible at the top of the page (EI: Luke 1:25-53). It's in the new revised Bible. I thought it was in the book of Mark but I'm not sure. Can't find that thread. Can anyone link it? The mistake was there was a subtitle that didn't even have the existing chapter or verse.
Typo In the Bible Thread?
by Suspicious 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
Former Witnesses have found an error in the new Bible, ironically in the book of Numbers. The header to page 267 shows the page numbers going down from Numbers chapter 35 to Numbers chapter 33. The header should instead read “Numbers 32:37-33:22.” At the time of writing, this typo is also in the PDF version.
I think this is the original thread.
At the time of writing, this typo is also in the PDF version
I thought they fixed the PDF version on the site? It was there initially though, yeah.
Thank you so much. I can't mark favorites so I had a hard time finding this. I'm gonna remember it.