Most people on this site already know that the JW religion has some really quirky beliefs. Some can be silly, but unfortunately others dangerous. I find the JW belief on the properness of surrogate mothers to be rather silly.
*** w84 8/15 26 Insight on the News ***They couldn't seriously believe this crap, could they? Something as intimately impersonal as the above procedure is considered "adultery"? Besides the obvious fact that Christains aren't under the Jewish law (but apparently under the "priniciples" [8>] ), the situation referred to there has nothing to do with surrogate motherhood. That scripture was referring to two people having an illicit affair, and bearing an illegitimate child. In the surrogate mothers case, she is neither having an affair nor is the child "illegitimate". In fact, back in bible times, there were people who served as "surrogate mothers" (wives giving their maidservants to bare children). Why not use that "bible principle"? Just one of countless cases of the GB sticking its nose where it doesn't belong, and not using clear, realistic thinking either.
Surrogate Mothers
A case of human artificial insemination was recorded
as long ago as 1799. But in recent years this has come
to be more widely practiced. According to The New York
Times, a woman who is artificially inseminated and
bears a child for another woman, as a substitute for
her, is called a surrogate mother. The infertile wife
and her husband agree to this arrangement, and when
the surrogate mother gives birth the baby is adopted
by the couple. The sperm in this case could be from
the husband of the couple or from another donor.
Although such an arrangement may be approved by many
in the world, the Christian rightfully asks whether it
is in harmony with God’s laws. The Bible, at Leviticus
18:20, is clear on this point when it says: “You must
not give your emission as semen to the wife of your
associate to become unclean by it.” Artificial
insemination of a woman by a donor other than her
legal husband, makes her guilty of adultery, a sin
against God. (Deuteronomy 5:18) The sperm donor and
the surrogate woman have not been yoked together by
God in matrimony.—Matthew 19:4-6.
IT'S MY 200TH POST!!!!