More indoctrination of young people.

by quellycatface 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • quellycatface

    Just come back from having coffee at a local cafe. Saw one of the sisters in my ex-KH having a study with a young girl (say 17 or so). I think they were looking at the "Draw Close to Weasel Head book." I had to stop myself from running over and screaming leave that child alone!!!!!

    This sister in question has been DF'd twice for adultery but back in the bosom of the Borg cos her dad is the presiding overseer.

    BS BS amd more BS.

  • Finkelstein

    That is sad going after the young and naive like that.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    This sister in question has been DF'd twice for adultery but back in the bosom of the Borg cos her dad is the presiding overseer.

    At least this girl is learning from a seasoned pro. She'll make a fine elder's wife one day.

  • wasblind

    I have faith in the young in that they will wake up a lot sooner than in the past

    They are more geared to the technology that will lead them to freedom

  • WTWizard

    They need to read through several different sources. Crisis of Conscience is a good place to start--first, a religion is no good if it can't even abide by its own holy book, regardless of whether that book is worth the paper it's printed on or not. Next reading, I would suggest reading the Joy of Satan site through to see if they even want to deal with a xian religion at all and if the "holy book" is itself bad. Cross-research what still bothers you. People should have that information before deciding whether they wish to join a religion, especially one that goes against human nature, has harsh penalties for leaving later, and bans outside research.

  • ruderedhead

    Why do you think they were at a cafe? Perhaps her parents disapprove of her studying with the witnesses?

    If you ever see them again, maybe you can walk over and introduce yourself? Tell the 17 y.o. a afew things about the witnesses she won't get from the adultress. False doctrine, shunning, your story? Maybe you could save her from this cult. 17 is a very vulnerable age.

  • quellycatface

    I'm DA'd so she wouldn't talk to me and I'm not one for making scenes in my local cafe!!!

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi quellycatface, Can you give one of the waitresses/waiters a note for the girl and a tip? The note could be as simple as, "I learned about TTATT by visiting It can help you too. Regards, Someone who cares about your future"

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • quellycatface

    That's an amazing idea Robert!!I will look out for them and make sure I've got pen and paper ready.thanks x

  • losingit

    I've started walkng around with sticky notes and a pen in my purse for situations like these (and for promotng my own business too, primarily).

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