How do you think they would have treated him or responded to him? You know, apart from shunning him due to his blasphemous facial hair.
If JWs were around in the time of Jesus...
by ilikecheese 3 Replies latest jw friends
He would be disfellowshipped as an apostate of course .Jehovahs Witnesses are to be witnesses of Jehovah not Jesus .
Never mind that the Christian Greek Scriptures / New Testament is unanimous in saying throughout that followers of Christ were by divine providence to be called christians and to bear witness about jesus ,Jesus is the name that was to be held above every other name in heaven and on earth and even under the earth , not the name jehovah. The gospels and other writings all bear witness to Jesus ,nobody else. The tetragrammaton never appeared in the christian greek scriptures.
They wouldn't have liked him because he would have likened them to white washed graves. Too, he would have told them their windowless kingdom halls look really stupid to the general public.
I don't think he would be accepted into the "old boy's club" tbh. He liked wandering around, had no fixed abode and spoke to "bad" people, ie; tax collectors, prostitutes and he beleived in forgiveness. He would'nt have fitted in at all!!!