Will any dubs be stumbled about WTS T.V. flicks

by biblexaminer 6 Replies latest jw experiences

  • biblexaminer

    What do you think?

    When the Watchtower "infomercials" make it to the airwaves in Canada, will the common drones be stumbled?

    For me, the inevitable comparison will prevail, that is the comparison between the infomercials put out by the Church of Latter Day Saints (the Mormons) and the ones that the Witchtower will use dubb dollars to pay to air.

    When I was at the bookstudy last week, the Bookstudy Overmiester handed out the KMs. Right after the OPENING prayer, one wannabe dub unbaptised man spoke up about what he found under the announcements about the TV infomercials. (he should have been paying attention)LOL

    Elder bookstudy guy hushed him up and said "after... after".

    It's clear that he was adversely affected by the notion that GOD'S CHANNEL will soon be mimicking the MORMONS, ..the other God's Channel

    I think the whole thing will BACKFIRE!!!

  • Pathofthorns

    I doubt anyone will be stumbled. Probably the reaction will be a silent "its about time" along with verbal praise for how "up-to-date with the times the Society is" (as if TV was invented yesterday).

    My guess it will only reinforce delusions of grandeur among JWs that think they are at the center of universal issues imagining they have made it to the big times. Like their ministry, it will only attract the wackos and weirdos but primarily be subtle propaganda for people who are already JWs.


  • gsx1138

    WITCHTOWER...there is that damn phrase again, sigh. I'd be more interested in what the regular JW's feel after watching the Dateline on their pedophile problem.

    Dear Lord, please save me from your followers.

  • Xander

    You know, for an organization SO 'up to date' and using every modern avenue to spread 'the good news of the kingdom' (99.9% of the Earth's population being annhilated and having their eyeballs picked out by birds is GOOD news damnit!), you'd think they'd ENCOURAGE internet usage...

    ...{smiles evilly}...yeah, THAT'LL be the day... (come, step into my lair....)

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • LB

    When I was a dub I always whined about the lack of TV usage. Others would tell me how it wasn't Jehovah's will to use TV. Now I'm sure they'll all be glad and that this use of TV is just another sign the end is near. After all everything is another sign the end it near.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • biblexaminer

    I don't know. From what I've seen, old timers don't like it one bit. The Witchtower has been so adamant for such a long time, that TV is evil and televangelists are the devil's advocates, that I sincerely think that it's going to backfire in a big way.

  • SYN

    LB: As the WTBTS has taught the Sheep, Jehovah's will is determined by a vote (WITH a 2/3 majority!!!!!). So, last month the vote fell on the right side of that fraction and they decided that God's will had changed.

    Oh, how I love the GB! Whenever I'm feeling down I just think about them and burst into gales of laughter, somewhat disturbing the guy in the next cubicle!

    Oh, this is my JEDI post! OOOOH!

    (Actually, I reached Jedi like a month ago, if you combine the # of posts made with 2SYN)

    "Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell

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