Trolley Witnessing Saves Money?

by TTATTelder 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TTATTelder

    I was just wondering, do you think the trolley cart stationary witnessing is to slow down the literature distribution at not-at-homes?

    It basically traps several shifts of pioneers to a cart or table and keeps the placement count way down compared to leaving something at every door in a neighborhood.

    Is money the main motivation here? (besides staged Facebook pics lol)


  • Driving Force
    Driving Force

    I personally do not think is a matter of money. It`s more desperation, the cult is dieing very slowly.

    I did the trolly thing once, and I thought at the time, this is stupid.

  • OneEyedJoe

    I don't see why money would be the main motivator. They're constantly pushing their stats on everyone, and one of those is placements and distribution numbers, so I don't think they're really motivated to place less literature. Perhaps they want to place literature more efficiently (i.e. only people who want it enough to walk by and take it, not just getting rid of the cultists on their stoop) which is a reasonable goal.

    In the end, I agree with Driving Force - it's an act of desperation. They'll try anything at this point.

  • NVR2L8
    Saturday morning I go to a popular farmer's market in my region where there's also a large flee market and factory outlets. This is a very busy place and JWs stand across the street from the main entrance to the main parking lot. But instead of standing by the marked pedestrian crosswalk leading to the shops, they stand on the opposite side where very few people cross. I watch them for about half an hour every time but I have yet to see one single person engage them. Usually after half an hour there is a shift change where JWs sitting in a parked van waiting, come to replace those who were watching the literature cart. Two weeks ago there were 4 in the van plus 2 on the street...then a second car load showed up with 4 more...but still only two on the corner...I thought of the number of hours being reported by 10 publishers watching a cart..I even walked slowly past them twice smiling...they made no attempt to talk to effective can this be except for keeping the troops busy...
  • Finkelstein
    Nah, just easier attainable hours, less walking and less cost for gas and wear and tear on personal cars..
  • pepperheart
    Ithink money is an issue just this week i was in a big city and one whole trolley was filled with teaching books from 2006 and the OLD VERSION of the "what does the bible really teach" and in my own city these past few months they were giving out the same books from 2006 and even one from 1998.A pioner on the trolley told me that the kingdom halls dont pay for the literature and each kinddom hall just orders what they want from headquaters.

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