The mighty hand of technology has written the above words on the walls of the WTBTS and on every kingdom hall across the world. There is a war taking place but it is not being fought by "Apostates", which term is a clever ploy by the WTBS to claim the "moral highground". This war is about "social injustice ", abuse of human and civil rights, repression of conscience .This war is not about doctrine or belief. This forum and other informative sites have seized the "moral highground " on these issues. The real threat to the WTBTS is the moral position taken by thousands of disillusioned and abused persons. The scale of this conflict is unprecedented in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses where , in the past, all voices of opposition were scattered or silenced through the internal organs of the WT/Awake magazines and various forms of congregational and bureaucratic intimidation and coercion. What direction will the conflict take? Some light is thrown on that question by the following exerpt from a N.Y. Times article titled " China Arrives at a Moment of Truth"....."A state monopoly of information has long been considered axiomatic for totalitarian governments, just as a LOSS OF CONTROL OVER INFORMATION (caps mine) has been regarded as POTENTIALLY FATAL(caps mine) for them....The resulting cascades of information are overwhelming the government's control mechanisms." What direction does the conflict take? The article continues...."While China is still some distance away from having TRULY ACCOUNTABLE LEADERS,(caps mine) the gap appears to be closing." Personal accountability is the direction the conflict must take. When that arena opens everything will change. Individuals make policies not corporations.
by Siddhashunyata 2 Replies latest jw friends
in the past, all voices of opposition were scattered or silenced through the internal organs of the WT/Awake magazines and various forms of congregational and bureaucratic intimidation and coercion.
Gee! When did they quit doing this?
I think the point being made is that this doesn't matter anymore. "The horse is out of the barn," so to speak, and will not go back. It is no longer just a matter of opposers opposing. There are now also faithful people like Greg Stafford who are demanding that truth be separated from "traditions of men" in current dogma. Rather than hatred of Witnesses driving significant present moves, it is a sincere love for them.