A Friend sent me this...........
For some reason I am having difficulty posting to the web site. But I
have something to say about brother David Algar. I saw him just three
weeks age at our Circuit Assembly (in Scotland where he is now the DO)
and he looked fine to me. He was in his usual form telling us all that
we have "not to be Micky Mice." (you had to be there) He is a very funny
man, it made the Assembly worthwhile. I think that you should bear in
mind that this "information" about David Algar came from the same
message board where someone claiming to be Randal Watters said he was
gay. I don't think it is true, and I think that I would have heard
something about it through my congregation. - I could be wrong of
please post this to the board if you want, but please make sure my name
is not on the post.
From XXX