OPRAH show molestation!!!

by plmkrzy 7 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • plmkrzy

    I turned on Oprah tonight. I always watch the late show usually Tues and Thur.
    Tonight is the first of a series on molestation. The trial of a molester who was convicted and got 14 years for molesting a 4 year old was the opening of tonights show.

    The show to watch for is "Close to Home"

    I can't keep up here Im watching and typing. It's 1 a.m. thats when oprha comes on here.
    Check your listings. It will be a continueing program. Don't know what nights yet.


  • Imbue

    plmkrzy your an Ophra fan! .... Ophra 101

    "Not part of the inner circle class"-Larc

  • plmkrzy

    Ok that went right over my head
    plmkrzy of the clueless class

    Gee I forgot about this thread till you brought it up.
    Very interesting show and also disturbing. They interviewed little children or showed what children as young as 4 yeasr old are sujected to in court.
    makes your skin crawl


  • Mulan

    They did one about a month ago. I posted about it. Was it the same one? In our area, the nightime Oprah's are reruns.

    Marilyn (aka Mulan)
    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers

  • plmkrzy

    Mulan Thats what I thought when the show started , I thought of your thread but this was different.
    No mention of Catholic church yet. They were focusing on the victims and the perpitrators in more detail.
    They had a profiler on the show who has been studying and reserching cases for 17 or 18 years now.
    This is suppose to have been the first episode of more to come. I need to check the listings for more detail.
    I watch it at 1 a.m.

    There is a show I believe is airing next week (sunday or Monday) called
    "CLose to Home" which was also the focus of Oprah last night. Some of the guests on her show are the victims that the program "Close to Home" will be about
    They are all documented cases.
    One of the children who will be told about was 4 years old and they will show her on the witness stand AT 4 or 5 years old giving her testimony.

    There were parts of the show that were not easy to watch but it was obvious that it is important to watch. For anyone who has children.


  • ARoarer

    I saw the Oprah show. It was excellent. The show she talked about, "Close to Home" is supposed to air on the Discovery Channel.

  • plmkrzy

    ahhh I thought it was going to be on regular programing. I don't get Discovery anymore where i live. I don't have cable. Here we don't get hardly anything without cable.


  • plmkrzy

    I was wondering if anyone caught anypart of this sieres?

    "Close To Home" on the Discovery channel???

    I don't get the Discovery channel and I am curious about the show.How was it? anyone know??


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