After reaching Jedi, I just wanted to extend a warm hug to everyone here on this board who's been here for me - here's to great friends! You know who you are!
For humour value, here's my first post:
Hi all. I hope my user name doesn't offend anyone - it actually stands for the [SYN] command your computer uses to connect to other computers on the Web, not what you were thinking!
Is this board mainly for JW or ex-JW people? Curious...
Also...I have heard the phrase 'dub' used to describe JW people. Where does it come from? Does anyone know?
Hoping to hear from people soon
<LOL>, I didn't know what "Dub" meant. Hehe, you'd swear that word has become a part of my vocabulary now, eh? I use it in virtually every post, it's just such a convenient acronymetty thing for Jehovah's Witness.
This site has been a major point in helping me get my mind out of the Dub mindset and into the Freedom mindset, and I thank all the people here who invest so much time and effort helping to educate people about the deadly threat that is the Watchtower Bible & Tract Organization in it's entirety.
Major thank-you to Simon for spending his time & money to keep this site going - I'm sure YOU have saved a whole bunch of lives through your actions, you REPRESENT MAN!
To the others who've educated me in the "tR0uP|-|", thanks! Your posts are much appreciated. When I came to this site I had virtually no idea of what was going on. In fact, I can't even remember what led me here in the first place. Somewhere, somehow, I must have turned up this site during a search or something, then I clicked on the link, and it was all over...hehe! It's so wonderful knowing that there are people out there who feel the same way as I do and have gone through many of my own experiences (some far, far worse than mine).
This place is like a home for me, and I hope it carries on forever!!!!
To all you lurkers: Get your asses out of lurkdom and come and speak with us. Sure, we have our little tiffs from time to time, but that's purely because of our very HUMAN nature, it happens to everyone. This is a very safe place to learn things about the Watchtower and why it is so wrong. We will welcome you with open arms! During the course of my 1000 posts (~1500 if you count 2SYN) I've become a better, more forgiving person, I'm less bitter, I have more friends (all around the globe!), I'm better informed, and all sorts of other good things have happened to me.
Wishing everyone here well...and to the next 1K posts!
"Until they become conscious, they will never rebel. Until they rebel, they will never become conscious." - George Orwell