I've been looking for online bible study aids. I've just joined up with crosswalk. That's got lots to wade through, although it does have the goshen net, which is a fantastic resource.
Are there any bible aids, study sites or discussion groups anyone can recommend? I'm not interested in a free home bible study
Xandit, that website is somewhat overwhelming. I'm not sure where to start. Think of me as someone with a Knowledge book level education in the bible with a smattering of the Awake!.
Did you see where someone says that God's real name is Yaohoo?
**Update** Xandit, I've decided to start with A Synoptic Gospels Primer http://religion.rutgers.edu/nt/primer/ that looked like a good place to begin.
Edited by - Sassenach on 15 February 2001 10:35:41