Joe said-
I'm sure this is an effort by some JWs to spread doubt about the Pope's leadership - remember how they teach the wild beast will turn on false religion(?). It's just wrong to spread hoaxes as "fact" and most JWs never do any vetting about the accuracy of these stories. Just pass it along and if you get one of these hoaxes from a bro or sis, it must be true - NOT NECESSARILY!
Yeah, I saw that eyebrow-raising claim the other day about what Pope Francis supposedly said, and Googled "Pope Francis hoax" to find many sites that confirmed it was silly-string.
No doubt many JWs will perpetuate the hoax without any thought, since anyone who's not aware of the dynamic is most likely to be suckered by those very claims they most WANT to be true, and will pass it along. They're only providing tiny morsels of sweet lil' lies to feed the unquenchable thirst hunger of confirmation biases of others.
There's good reason believers are particularly suspectible to such urban legends: instead of denouncing it, they cherish their faith (AKA gullibility, except wearing a priest's robe to give the concept some credibility). You cannot turn rational thinking on and off, or expect it to operate in one domain only, and not have it spill over into other areas of your life.