I was out on the failed circus handing out memorial invites about 4 years ago when this scruffy geezer comes to the door. He said his name was something or other (Alex?), and he would come to the Memorial(TM).
Well, wadda ya know..........he was there. Mind you, he pretended to be his own twin brother. I knew he was a bit odd by now though. He smelled like stale biscuits.
On a side note, when he turned up at the meeting you should have seen all the vultures gathering around love bombing him and trying to 'place litrature(TM)' with him....twas nauseating.
I conducted a study(tm) with him for a couple of months and then he said he was moving up north. Oh, well, back to lying on my report slip(TM) again.
Yesterday my son showed me a local article and asked if I recognized the bloke in the picture. It was old stale biscuit own twin bloke.
Convicted for paedophilia. No wonder he was interested in going to the meetings(TM)......safe haven for those perverts. I'm sure he'd fit in well with the Governing Body(R).....they love paedophiles.