The Face of the World is changing

by fulltimestudent 9 Replies latest social current

  • fulltimestudent

    60 years ago, in the western world, it was rare to see in media, any representation of a face that wasn't euro-white. These days, in response to market driven advertising, that is changing.

    I can only speak for OZ, and here I note that it is now quite common to see an asian face, most likely east Asian (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese) in adverts. for various products. That's increasingly driven by the Asianisation of Australia.

    Here's one face that will likely become better known in the western world.


  • Apognophos

    I don't know who she is, but I like! Korean?

  • Dis-Member

    Her name is Sui He and is a model from China. She is ranked the number 13 fashion model in the world.

    So, why are Asian models like Sui He suddenly so successful? The shift in fashion’s consumer markets is a major factor. The industry is increasingly looking toward Asia for its financial future, and the burgeoning economy that has made them power players within the luxury goods market. Quite simply, fashion has been forced to reflect the faces of these wealthy new customers within their campaigns. As the epicentre of modelling shifts to be more inclusive of wider definitions of beauty, the good news is, the Asian girls are here to stay.

  • snare&racket

    I was reading in the news a few months ago that australian economics have recognised the value of being in austral-asia and having such links to china and korea.

    The article said, it recognises the benefits in relationships with such countries over relationships with countries far away, uk/europe and usa etc.

    It said that China was a paticular country that Australia wanted to develop economic ties with and finally recognise the geography they share. Tourism and business is going to appreciate where Australia is on the planet.

    I found it interesting to read, having been to Oz a couple of times, there is a significant undercurrent of racism, or I felt so anyway. It is a lot more playful than in the west, but more vocal. But reading your post, it is evident that these changes are happening. I love Oz, hope to move there in the next 5 years.

    Snare x

  • mynameislame

    Miss America 2013

    miss america

  • Splash

    Nice pants.


  • Phizzy

    Sui He is very westernised, looking as though she is either of mixed race, or has had a lot of westernising surgery done.

    One day I hope we will see models from the East that really reflect the look of Eastern women.

  • confusedandalone


    Sui He is very westernised, looking as though she is either of mixed race, or has had a lot of westernising surgery done.

    One day I hope we will see models from the East that really reflect the look of Eastern women."


  • John_Mann

    You fools.

  • fulltimestudent


    It said that China was a paticular country that Australia wanted to develop economic ties with and finally recognise the geography they share. Tourism and business is going to appreciate where Australia is on the planet.

    Australia has a problem - a small population in a vast country. As a market it cannot justify the huge expense of mass manufacturing (see the thread on the GM decision to stop making cars in Australia.) But what Australia does have is large deposits of (high quality) iron ore and coal which it sells to mainly N.E.Asian (China, Japan, S.Korea) countries, countries who are, in terms of shipping distances, quite close.

    Here's an Australian Govt chart that tells the story:

    Australia's trade in goods and services by top ten partners, 2012-13
    Australia's top 10 export markets (a) (A$ million)
    GoodsServicesTotal% shareRank
    China 77,973 6,662 84,635 28.1 1
    Japan 46,481 2,101 48,582 16.1 2
    Republic of Korea 19,116 1,698 20,814 6.9 3
    United States 9,022 5,507 14,529 4.8 4
    India 11,418 1,844 13,262 4.4 5
    New Zealand 7,309 3,559 10,868 3.6 6
    Singapore 6,420 3,584 10,004 3.3 7
    United Kingdom 5,520 3,927 9,447 3.1 8
    Taiwan 7,531 647 8,178 2.7 9
    Malaysia 5,197 1,663 6,860 2.3 10
    Total exports 249,088 52,411 301,499 100.0


    I am not sure what the future holds for Australia.

    At least, since the defeat of the Whitlam goverment (1972-1975) (some say at the instigation of the CIA), some Asian countries see Australia as the Deputy Sheriff of the USA in Asia. If that is true, outside of some patronising appointments, I cannot see many benefits accruing to Australia.

    OTOH, China's tremendous modernising drive and huge consumption of steel and fuel must slow down one day. However, the increasing wealth of individual Chinese families who are interested in visiting Australia and those who come here for a University education are a different market, though the eduction sector must slow as Chinese universities get better and better.

    I found it interesting to read, having been to Oz a couple of times, there is a significant undercurrent of racism, or I felt so anyway. It is a lot more playful than in the west, but more vocal. But reading your post, it is evident that these changes are happening. I love Oz, hope to move there in the next 5 years.

    Good luck in your plans to move to OZ, its a high wage/high cost country, so bring all your accumulated wealth (grin).

    As far as racism goes, there is a vocal voice, but its concentrated at the low end of the socio-economic scale, and in recent years seems to have been focussed on Indians (not sure why).

    I live in a strongly Chinese suburb and note little racial tension (one exception - little old aussie ladies, raised in an era when gentlemen allowed ladies to go first, become disturbed when a chinese male pushes past, to get in a lift or through the ticket barriers at a rail station. S.E. Asians whose parents were kicked in the arse by British officials for daring to push past white people will defer, but PRC Chinese taught by Mao Zedong's administration that the day of subservience to white races was over, arn't going to defer, nor is there a history in China of 'ladies first' - both sexes are equal).

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