That's what the title should've been.
But I guess that wouldn't have attracted any suckers...
by TTATTelder 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
That's what the title should've been.
But I guess that wouldn't have attracted any suckers...
and it would have been the truth,
truth in advertising?
advertise the KING & his Kingdom.
What year was that published "Millions now living will never die???
The world has ended, millions now living will never die (but did) 1918. page 425 proclaimers book
They also advertised it as " Millions Now Living May Never Die" maybe they were hedging their bets .
Thanks prologos. Where is the credibility, my God or my Satan.
They just print sh--t and later new light.
I think they started with "May" and then got full of themselves and upped the ante.