Sometimes I get stuck in the "ruts of my past". I worry about the family I have lost And the pain I live with Because of this cult. This is my plan for 2014. I'm going to do things out of my comfort level. I challenge everyone else to try this experiment.
1 Kiss the girl you have been after, look her in the eyes and say I've been dying to do that and walk away.
2 Wear your favorite low cut blouse and when you catch that guy sneaking a look smile and wink at him.
3 Do something that gets you covered in mud.
4 Go a week without using a phone or computer.
5 Ask a book nerd what he or she is currently reading and get yourself a copy.
6 Go to a restaurant where no one there speaks your language.
7 Find someone who is your complete social, economic, and race opposite and initiate a friendship.
8 Draw a picture everyday
9 learn a new skill. Sewing, cooking, painting, gardening, fishing, hunting, whatever it is people have to say,"I never imagined you doing that."
10 Befriend an elderly person and listen to what they say.
11 Sing loudly and try to get other people to sing along with you.
12 Smile at everyone you see.
13 Learn a new joke.
14 Pick up someone's check anonymously in a restaurant and buy their dinner.
15 Ride a bicycle in the sunshine.
16 make a blanket tent with your children and pretend you are pirates.
17 make your friends and family smile often.