We want to thank all of you who have subscribed to our Youtube channel and watch our videos...In just 4 months your response and support has been overwhelming and we have reached 500 SUBSCRIBERS!!! so we humbly thank you all.
We want to thank everyone.....
by Newly Enlightened 7 Replies latest jw friends
What YouTube channel is that? (Sorry I missed the boat.)
500 subscribers in 4 months is really good! It has taken me 10 months to get to a 100.
Newly Enlightened
I think it's because Mikey is so entertaining
I think you are so sweet and that your family are lovely. I am so happy you have found your way out. I remember coming across your elders meeting video about a book a long time ago. You are such friendly, sweet, smart people and it is always nice to see people such as yourself, figuring it all out and commenting on it, we can hear your cogs whir as you talk online. So,many peoole have had whole families and lives torn apart, so to see the 4 of you smiling away in a recent video, was a pleasure to see. Keep up the good work Snare x P.s. If I may humbly offer one teeny weeny bit of advice..... You have given so much to them already, be careful to not lose too much time on them now you have left.... Though your help and videos will be appreciated by many, I found it difficult to harness my time and attention as there is so much dirt and treachery to be found in Watchtower. As useful as it is, remember to start living your life too xxx
The both of you come across as genuine people, which of course, you are. You provide needed laughter to what can be otherwise an abysmally dry and serious subject. I’m hoping this alone helps JWs out there to understand that we are not monsters, and gets them to wake up to TTATT.
I agree with Londo.
You guys present some really great material, with sources, (listen up WT !) but present it in a way that's easy to listen to. If we can't laugh at the nonsense and absurdity that is/was being a JW then recovery and moving on is next to impossible.
I really appreciate your videos and your hard work...keep it up.
Newly Enlightened
Thank you Shirley...and everyone. It is just so absurd the crap they are printing and spewing it's difficult NOT to mock!!!