petition-Launch an Investigation to Determine If Jehovahs Witnesses Have A Right to Use CoercionForms of Mental TortureTo Force Its Members Not to Leave
by search4truth 7 Replies latest jw friends
I signed, along with explaining how the religion is not upfront. First, they use one set of rules to lure people in, and hold them to a different set. Once you are in, you are pressured to do work for the religion. You are supposed to do set amounts of this work, under penalty of being viewed as "spiritually weak" or "low hour publishers". Leave, even if it was because the religion proves false to its own promises, and you are "mentally diseased", "urine", "poison", and "worthy of death and destruction". Worse, they lie about the basic platform. Proclaiming to be solid Christian, the religion is actually a mix of Christianity, Judaism, and communism. Leave on those grounds, you are subject to vile treatment.
And I mentioned that "freedom of religion" means being free to choose your own religion. You are free to practice any denomination of Christianity, Judaism, or Islam, or some other religion including spiritual Satanism, or to refrain from practicing the same. You are also free to change your religion for any or no reason, particularly if it comes to light that your current belief system is faulty. You should be free to cut back on religious activity for any or no reason without being hounded or called derogatory terms (low hour publisher, spiritually weak) behind your back. You should be free to listen to whatever music you see fit, play whatever games you wish, prepare for whatever, invest in whatever, without the congregations prying in and censoring you.
No, "You dedicated your life" is no excuse. If the god you dedicated to proved false to its claims, your dedication should be revoked without penalty. The religion should not be allowed to pursue this "dedication" as if it was some kind of contract, whether now or under some future provision from the leaders. You leave, you should not have your family held hostage or be hounded back in, or even get forced back in (with or without some court order under "breach of contract". And, having the congregation hiding the evidence or coercing members to lie under threat of disfellowshipping is obstruction of justice. I indicated that I am in favor of full investigation, including raiding the headquarters, and jail time for the leaders including additional jail time for obstruction of justice.
I think that if people were simply informed that Jesus is not their Mediator, baptisms would come to a virtual halt and the orgs' entrophy would excelerate dramitically.
Barrold Bonds
didn't sign because internet petitions are pointless
This has been discussed already: