Blood issue - widower pressing charges
by Gypsy Sam 5 Replies latest jw friends
This article is from a year ago. I wonder if it ever made it to court and what the outcome was...?
I quit!
If the family lost the case and it cost them all they had financially defending their Watchtower based beliefs no doubt the Watchtower would come to their rescue and get them back on their feet. Yeah right. The Watchtower would reward their loyalty by letting them go down just like that poor man's wife. It is really sad that these misguided people will die or let others die for an organization that couldn't give a you know what about them.
Gypsy Sam
I'm so sorry - I was searching online and thought that article was Jan 2014!
It would sure be nice if quite a few victims of preventable deaths from the WTS’ stupid blood policy could somehow get together and launch a worldwide class action lawsuit against the WTS! If that could be done under some kind of international law, that would really be the cat’s whiskers. It would make the Candice Conti case seem like a parking ticket.