I chose the jacket...
Would you rather buy an exspensive Jacket or a 50 inch T.V?
by new hope and happiness 8 Replies latest jw experiences
It's there a third option ? I would need a tablet because I have a Nomadic lifestyle recently.
new hope and happiness
yes there is a thord option...if a house was on fire and you could save a Rembrant painting or a Cat what would you save?
new hope and happiness
yea such a silly topic, but Jesus understood the importance of fine clothes...and as witnesses we followed that example....image was everything.
I want both - Why can't I have both!?
New Hope:
Your post reminds me of the US Army's FAST (Flight Aptitude Selection Test). It was full of questions that had odd choices, like: Would you rather turn your mother in to the authorities or [some other equally unappealing choice]? I reckon there was some logic to it. I ended up with a very high score (and didn't have to turn my mother in after all). I took the test . . . too many years ago.
As for the jacket or TV question: My choice depends on how cold it is.
Take Care
Already have a 50" tv; but with the cold weather, a warm jacket would be nice
A less expensive jacket would be just as warm as an expensive jacket. You can't wear a jacket all the time. But a 50" tv provide hours of entertainment that everyone in the house could enjoy, and guest besides. You don't get to share that much happiness with a flash jacket.
finally awake
The TV is arguably the better use of money. A jacket that cost as much as a 50" TV would more than likely be some fancy designer label that wouldn't serve the purpose any better than a $50 jacket from WalMArt. The only reason to spend several hundred dollars on a jacket would be if it were a really high tech specialized jacket for extreme cold weather and you were a researcher posted in Antarctica for the winter.