Quote of the Day: ..........

by DS211 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • DS211

    " If such a spirit were to corrupt our thinking, our view of submission and obe- dience might become distorted. Infected by this spirit, a brother might chafe at counsel from the elders. "(Hebrews 12:5)

    Heb 12:5 And you have entirely forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons: “My son, do not belittle the discipline from Jehovah, nor give up when you are corrected by him;

    paraphrased: And you have entirely forgotton the exhortation that addresses you as [other sheep]: "My [other sheep], do not belittle the discipline from [the elders], nor give up when you are corrected by [them]; or else you shall chafe.

    i think theres cream or powder for that.....

  • punkofnice

    " If such a spirit were to corrupt our thinking, (Fallacy of 'what if' & the preachers 'we') our view of submission and obedience might (fallacy of 'what if' & the preachers 'we')become distorted. Infected by this spirit, a brother might (Fallacy of 'what if') chafe at counsel from the elders. (Appeal to authority, appeal to fear) "(Hebrews 12:5) (Appeal to authority)

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