A splendid morning to all you good chaps and chapesses in Internetland! I already listen to 'the human bible' , 'healingxjw' , 'infinite monkey cage' , 'doctor karl' ,(aussie dude, great science show) , but im on the lookout for more podcasts to subscribe to, science, bible, apologetics, comedy, you know the stuff... Any suggestions?
podcast recommendations?
by Captain Blithering 8 Replies latest jw friends
hi Captain
Some of my favorites are
The atheist experienceThe non prophets
In our thime with Melvyn Bragg
Philosophise this
The science show
Late night live with Phillip Adams
Conversations with Richard Fidler
Jack C.
Try any of Kate of Gaia or Santos Bonnachi's webcasts on criticalmassradio.co.uk. Look for "Out of the Box" with Kate Rene.....
Dogma Debate
Skeptics guide to the universe
You made it weird
Reasonable doubts
Star Talk radio
The thinking atheist -
Captain Blithering
Ahh nice one peeps , I'll get me a-downloadin' tonight. . .
Also a fan of TIMC
Try podcasts at tunein.com. If you've got an Android smartphone the pro app will even record them.
As an example; http://tunein.com/topic/?TopicId=61946578
In the area of apologetics/theology is going to be "The Dividing Line" (from Dr. James R. White). He has written many books in the area of theology, and is a strong defender of the doctrine of the Trinity. His podcast streams on Tuesdays/Thursdays.
Greg Koul is the president of "Stand to Reason" and has a weekly, 3-hour long podcast. He approaches apologetics more so from the view point of philosophy, and is a CLEAR communicator.
There's a ton more out there, but I think those are 3 of the best!
RC Sproulis a Reformed Theologian who has a daily podcast (Renewing Your Mind) that is a combo of classroom lectures, and sermons. A fantastic teacher!
Apologetics.com is a group of guys from SoCal who engage in the area of theology/philosophy/ethcis, and do so from a relevant/contemporary standpoint.
Indian Larry
I highly reccomend the following podcasts (podcast name in quotes":
"The Apologetic Front" - Episode2
"Unbelievable" with Justin Brierly is excellent
"Truth Matters" - Very good one.
And don't miss "Theopologetics" episode #9 #51 #50 #93 #106 - These are VERY interesting. Listen in order. Let me know what you think.
Wow, we would get on captain, I have made a few threads on podcasts. I'm listening to one most of the time!
here is my list... (All on itunes)
Religious stuff
The Thinking Atheist (did a jw episode recently)
The Atheist Experience (fantastic)
The non prophets
The magic sandwich
fun stuff......
best by far is Opie and Anthony (also youtube them and add 'patrice o neal' or 'louis Ck' to find the BEST guests, then enjoy)
Joe Rogan
Ari Shaffir
Marc Coran WTF
Duncan Trussell
Ricky Gervais XFM and 'guide to' (years of hilarious karl pilkington)
Richard Herrings Leister Square Podcast
science stuff...
Infinite monkey cage
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